Health Professionals

Updates in the Prevention, Diagnosis, and Management of Venous Thromboembolism in Cancer: Fundamentals of Optimizing Patient Care in Clinical Practice

This online enduring podcast, developed by Med Learning Group with help from the National Blood Clot Alliance, focuses on multiple topics across the spectrum of venous thromboembolism (VTE) management and VTE in cancer. It’s designed specifically to address micro-learning needs of those who care for cancer patients who are at increased risk for developing VTE and cancer-associated thrombosis (CAT).

Upon the completion of this program, attendees should be able to:

  • Facilitate a timely and accurate diagnosis of VTE
  • Evaluate current evidence-based guidelines for the primary treatment and secondary prevention of VTE and CAT
  • Develop personalized management plans for patients with VTE and CAT

Patient voices include Leslie Lake, President of the National Blood Clot Alliance and Olympia Cepeda, Director of LatinaSHARE Cancer Support.

Clinicians can create an Med Learning Group account and begin earning CE credit for the initiative. Physicians can earn 1 AMA credit and nurses can earn .5 ANCC contact hours.

Learn more: Updates in the Prevention, Diagnosis, and Management of Venous Thromboembolism in Cancer: Fundamentals of Optimizing Patient Care in Clinical Practice


Stop the Clot® – What Every Healthcare Professional Should Know: An Online VTE E-Learning Course with Continuing Education Credits

This self-paced, online course provides the most current foundational information and clinical considerations to assess and treat patients with blood clots and clotting disorders, or those at risk of blood clots, to improve the ability of healthcare professionals to manage these patients.

Available continuing education credits include:

  • Physicians and Physicians Assistants, CME (1.75)
  • Pharmacists, CPE (0.175)
  • Nurses, CNE (1.75)
  • Other Professionals, CEU (.2)

Read more and register here: Online E-Learning Course

Please address questions about the course to

The National Blood Clot Alliance developed and designed this e-learning course with support provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention under Cooperative Agreement NU01DD000007.

ac forumManagement of VTE: Clinical Guidance from the Anticoagulation Forum

The Anticoagulation Forum – a premier provider of healthcare professional education, and an authoritative voice among anticoagulation professionals – shares practical guidance essential for healthcare providers who treat patients affected by VTE. Developed by 58 leading international experts, these 12 manuscripts, published in January 2015 in the Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis, provide expert guidance about a spectrum of crucial clinical concerns, including:

  • Initiation and duration of treatment
  • Managing DOACs
  • Peri-procedural management
  • Managing bleeding and drug reversal
  • Treating cancer-associated thrombosis

Click here for more information and free open access to each of these 12 valuable manuscripts: Comprehensive Clinical Guidance for Treating VTE

Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) Prevention: The Nurse’s Perspective 

Tools for Your Practice

Looking for materials for your clinics? Hoping to find information that is accurate and written in understandable language? The following list of materials may be helpful in your efforts to education your patients about blood clots:

Antiphospholipid Antibodies

Blood Clot Treatment and Recovery Brochure  (This brochure is focused on blood clot treatment and recovery, and can by customized by adding physician/practice names and contact information. The brochure is designed as a two-sided, three-fold brochure once it is downloaded and printed. Questions about the use of this resource can be directed to

Factor V Leiden

Homocystine and MTHFR Mutations: Relation to Thrombosis and Coronary Artery Disease

Prevention of DVT and PE

Prothrombin 20210A Mutation

Pulmonary Embolism and Deep Vein Thrombosis

Stop the Clot, Spread the Word™ (Part of NBCA’s cooperative agreement with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, also included in The Joint Commission’s Compendium of VTE Resources, includes downloadable and printable infographics and checklists, as well as short videos for patient viewing.)

Women & Blood Clots (This program includes a suite of resources, including fact sheets and a risk assessment tool for women making choices about birth control, as well as videos for patient viewing).

Thrombophilia Testing for Clinical Management

Listen to two esteemed hematologists, Dr. Peter Kouides and Dr. Caroline Cromwell along with a thrombophilia patient as they discuss the varied patient experiences during the road to testing for thrombophilia.

CDC Resources: COVID-19

The Medical and Scientific Advisory Board of the National Blood Clot Alliance recommends that healthcare professionals and the public familiarize themselves with the useful information about the coronavirus, or COVID-19, provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), including tips for reducing the spread of COVID-19 and also advisories for people travelling abroad. This and other CDC guidance can be viewed here:  CDC Website, COVID-19. In addition, individuals with questions can contact CDC’s general information help desk online or by phone at 1-800-CDC-INFO (1-800-232-4636) or by email at

You also can obtain important information from your local public health department. You can search for your local health department here: Directory of Local Health Departments.

Anticoagulation Forum Resources

Preliminary information for healthcare professionals about the management of anticoagulation during the COVID-19 pandemic has been shared by the Anticoagulation Forum, and can be viewed here:

American Society of Hematology

The American Society of Hematology (ASH) has an inventory of COVID-19 resources for healthcare professionals (HCPs) here: ASH COVID-19 Resources. At the bottom of the web page where these resources are housed, questions can be submitted by HCPs. In addition, a list of FAQs related to COVID-19 and VTE/Anticoagulation appears on the ASH website here: FAQs.

Johns Hopkins COVID-19 Dashboard

Healthcare professionals also can track global updates relative to COVID-19, using the interactive map created and being maintained by Johns Hopkins University here: Johns Hopkins COVID-19 Dashboard. (Reference: Dong E, Du H, Gardner L. An interactive web-based dashboard to track COVID-19 in real time. Lancet Infect Dis; published online Feb 19.)

It remains crucial for individuals seeking information about COVID-19 to speak with their healthcare providers about all of their questions and concerns.

Current News

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