Know Your Risk

Last updated: July 13, 2022

Know your risk for blood clots. The first and most important thing you can do to protect yourself from a life-threatening blood clot is to learn if you are at risk.

Below is a list of some of the most common risk factors for blood clots. Know your risk:

  • Hospitalization for illness or surgery
  • Major surgery, particularly of the pelvis, abdomen, hip, knee
  • Severe trauma, such as a car accident
  • Injury to a vein that may have been caused by a broken bone or severe muscle injury
  • Hip or knee replacement surgery
  • Cancer and cancer treatments
  • Use of birth control methods that contain estrogen, such as the pill, patch, or ring
  • Pregnancy, which includes up to three months after the baby is born
  • The use of hormone therapy that contains estrogen
  • A family history of blood clots
  • Overweight
  • Confinement to bed or wheelchair
  • Sitting too long, especially with legs crossed
  • Smoking/vaping
  • Age 55 or older
  • Long-term diseases such as heart and lung conditions, or diabetes

Talk to your doctor or healthcare provider if any of these risk factors apply to you and know your risk for blood clots.

Risk Factor Checklist

Learn More

There are several important signs and symptoms of blood clots: Know the signs and symptoms of blood clots

Blood clots are serious, but they can also be prevented. Find out how you can prevent blood clots here: Prevent Blood Clots

Connect with others who have experienced a blood clot here: Patient Stories

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