
NEW Pulmonary Embolism Quality Registry Database

NEW Pulmonary Embolism Quality Registry Database

The PERT Consortium is pleased to announce that the NEW Pulmonary Embolism Quality Registry DATABASE is actively receiving data from our Member Institutions. In collaboration with Boston Clinical Research Institute (BCRI), all PERT consortium Member Institutions are now able to enter prospective data into an ongoing quality registry to record how Pulmonary Embolism Response Teams (PERTs) deliver care around the country. Participating Member Institutions will receive regular feedback comparing their performance and outcomes to the rest of the country.

“We are confident this Registry will improve the care for patients diagnosed with pulmonary embolism across the country and the world.” Reported Robert Lookstein MD, MSc Vice President of the National PERT Consortium.  “Team-based patient care has improved the outcomes of countless other cardiovascular diseases. We are looking forward to a day when we can prove that Pulmonary Embolism Response Teams can reduce the morbidity and mortality of this devastating condition.”

To begin participating in the Pulmonary Embolism Quality Registry Database, please email info@bostonclinicalresearchinstitute.com.

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