
Share your blood clot story with CDC

Share your blood clot story with CDC

You can help the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) get the word out about blood clots and clotting disorders.  They will soon be launching a Flickr album to highlight personal stories of individuals who have had a deep vein thrombosis (DVT) or pulmonary embolism (PE).

Here’s how you can help:

  1. Send an electronic photo and one or two brief paragraphs about your experience in living with and managing your blood clot.
  2. Complete, sign and submit the CDC consent and release form.  Click here to get the release form.
  3.  Email everything to :  Cindy Sayers, CDC Health Communications Specialist at csayers@cdc.gov

**Please note: A personal signature on the release form is required.  If  you are unable to print, scan and return the signed release form via email, the signed form can be sent by fax or mail at:

Fax:   404-498-6799 ATTN: Cindy Sayers

Mail: Centers for Disease Control,
1600 Clifton Road, MS E 64,
Atlanta, GA 30333  ​
ATTN: Cindy Sayers