
Blood Clot Awareness Month 2016

Blood Clot Awareness Month 2016

March is Blood Clot Awareness Month, an observance conceived in a bipartisan manner through the sponsorship efforts of Congresswomen Lois Capps (D-CA) and Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA), each of whom experienced the tragedy of blood clots through loved ones.

Rep. Capps’ husband, former Rep. Walter Capps, died prematurely of a PE in 2006, as did Rep. McMorris Rodgers’ dear friend and mentor, former Rep. Jennifer Dunn, who passed away suddenly from a PE in 2007.

bcamsquare3In recognition of Blood Clot Awareness Month (BCAM) 2016, the National Blood Clot Alliance will be featuring the personal blood clot story of one individual each day: 31 personal stories featured on each of the 31 days in March.

By sharing our stories, we share crucial information about blood clots that could help save lives.

Please connect with us and join in this special effort to help raise awareness about blood clots.

To get involved, you can share information and important educational tools found on our website with your friends and family. See the links below for great online resources to share with your online network.

Five Weeks of BCAM Content

The National Blood Clot Alliance also will be sharing new and creative content each week of Blood Clot Awareness Month based on important educational and clinical themes, including:

Week 1 — Awareness

Week 2 — Risk Factors

Week 3 — Signs and Symptoms

Week 4 — Prevention

Week 5 — Lifestyle and Recovery

We also will have other exciting Blood Clot Awareness Month events and information to share, so check back regularly for all of these updates.

Share Information and Tools With Family and Friends

In the meantime, please explore and share some of the assets we outline below. With your help, we can Stop the Clot and help to save lives.

A. Share our widely recognized Stop the Clot, Spread the Word™ educational tools

You’ll find great information, including important downloadable checklists that you can share, at our Stop the Clot, Spread the Word™ site:  www.stoptheclot.org/spreadtheword

doc-logoShare our Stop the Clot, Spread the Word infographic as a handy guide to information about risk factors, signs/symptoms, and prevention: Infographic

This short Stop the Clot, Spread the Word™ video provides the most important information people need to know about blood clots: Video

B. Make sure all of the women in your life are aware about blood clot risks

You’ll find great content and videos at the links below to help women understand the blood clot risks connected to several important life stages most women face, including:

TitleBirth control and family planning

Pregnancy and childbirth

Treatment of menopause symptoms

Click here for a great infographic about women and blood clots: Women & Blood Clots Infographic

Our entire video series about women and blood clots can be viewed here: Women & Blood Clots Video Series

C. Check out some of the important resources on our website that you can share with others

Signs and symptoms

Risk factors

Passport to safety

Social Media Sharing

Introducing IG


NBCA also is relaunching its “new and improved” Instagram community this month. Please follow us there as @stoptheclot.

We also launched a new Pinterest account too. You can follow us here: https://www.pinterest.com/stoptheclot.

As always, you can follow and engage with NBCA daily on Facebook and Twitter too.

We hope to connect with you soon.


Just Added, March 15

treatmyclot300For Blood Clot Awareness Month, Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc., is sponsoring the TreatMyClot.com 300 race and making a donation to the National Blood Clot Alliance. Click here for more information: Race Car Ready

Get Involved With NBCA

If you would like to help NBCA with any of its fund raising events during Blood Clot Awareness Month, check out our events page here:  NBCA Events

Share Your Story With NBCA

You can also submit your story for publication on our website. Learn more about submitting your story to NBCA here:  Guidelines for Website Patient Stories