
The DVT/PE Life: No Control-Z | June Newsletter

The DVT/PE Life: No Control-Z | June Newsletter

NBCA’s June e-Newsletter takes a look at some of the lifestyle issues that NBCA receives the most inquiries about from the VTE community, namely:  Diet and nutrition, exercise, depression and anxiety, and the management of nuisance bleeding.  While you might want to turn back time and undo the blood clot, we’re not computers and there’s no “control-z” function to affect a reset.  So, we move forward, and we live the best DVT/PE life we can.

In this month’s issue, we touch on issues that people affected by blood clots confront daily.  Check it all out here: June e-Newsletter.

If you have any special insights to share about these issues, let us know, by connecting with us on Facebook or writing to us at info@stoptheclot.org.  We would love to hear from you, particularly if you have any lifestyle-oriented tips or techniques to share.

To have your name added to our e-Newsletter mailing list and delivered directly to your inbox, please drop a line to: info@stoptheclot.org.