
I Developed PTSD From This Experience: Autumn’s Story

I Developed PTSD From This Experience: Autumn’s Story

In September 2024, I went on FMLA and short-term disability due to severe pain in my leg that was assumed to be a hamstring and calf cramp issue.

Less than two months later, on Nov. 14, 2024, I had the biggest scare of my life. I woke up that morning and went to let my dogs outside, and I felt my heart beating so hard and fast. I became severely short of breath and needed to immediately lay down on the floor to prevent passing out.

I went to the hospital, where they conducted a D-dimer test and found that it was elevated. They said I needed to go to a bigger hospital, but I couldn’t afford an ambulance ride, so I had my little brother drive me.

A CT scan with contrast was performed, as well as an echocardiogram to check my heart. I was found to have a saddle pulmonary embolism blocking both sides of my lungs and causing extreme strain on the right side of my heart.

I was immediately put on IV heparin, and the next day they performed a thrombectomy and successfully removed the clots in my lungs. I also was diagnosed with a DVT in my left leg.

My blood clots were believed to be connected to estrogen-based birth control and being sedentary from injuries to my legs and feet.

I’m pretty sure I developed some PTSD from this experience. My advice to other is don’t wait. Go in get tested if you’re having symptoms.


Signs and Symptoms
Psychological Impact of Blood Clots
Birth Control

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