My wife and I have an RV and sometimes we are on the road for 6-10 hours without stopping. One day, after a long trip, I began having pain in my left calf. I went to my doctor and he ordered an ultrasound on my leg and discovered a blood clot. I started taking a blood thinner I was prescribed.
About six months later, I started getting a little dizzy, light headed, and had a slight cough but I just thought that I was coming down with the flu. The next day at 2 a.m., I began having pain in my right side and could not get comfortable.
At 8 a.m. I decided to go to the doctor. My heart was normal, blood pressure was normal, and I had no fever, so he gave me something for my gallbladder.
After several hours, the pain and coughing got worse, so I went to the ER. The doctor on duty recognized immediately the symptoms and gave me a CT scan. They found blood clots in both sides of my lungs!
I was admitted to the hospital, put on IV blood thinner and stayed there for two days. Thank God for watching over me and not letting the clots take a different route and getting an experienced doctor that recognized the symptoms of a blood clot!
Don’t second guess your body when it is trying to tell you something might be wrong. Ask your medical professional to check you for a blood clot.
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