
I’m Inspired By Others Who’ve Been Through This: Christina’s Story

I’m Inspired By Others Who’ve Been Through This: Christina’s Story

I was 33 years old. I had a cramp in my leg and figured it was just that until it lasted three days.

I’ve always been judged and misunderstood when it comes to my health anxiety but this time it saved my life. I knew something wasn’t right and made a doctor’s appointment.

I had no redness and no swelling. The doctor didn’t think I had a clot, but sent me for a D-dimer test because I told her it happened to family members. (I have had both DVTs and aneurysms in my family, and a pulmonary embolism took my beautiful cousin’s life at a young age.)

My doctor called me in the middle of the night to tell me my D-dimer was elevated. I went to the emergency room immediately. Like everyone who’s experienced a blood clot, it changed my life. It hasn’t been easy but I feel so lucky to be alive. I have tested negative for genetics, but I believe there is still a lot to be discovered.

I will be taking anticoagulants long-term, as my blood clot was considered unprovoked, which has also been tough to accept. I had Covid six months prior, I have anxiety, and I was a smoker for seven years. I will never have the answer I am looking for.

I encourage everyone to be aware of their health and advocate for themselves. I have been truly inspired by others who have been affected by blood clots. I’m blessed for the health care I’ve had and for the support I’ve received in this community. I think you all are so strong.


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