I fully tore my ACL and partially tore my MCL and meniscus in March of 2024 playing volleyball. I first started developing blood clots in mid-April 2024 before my knee surgery. I started feeling nauseas, but ignored it, thinking it was from my menstrual cycle.
The signs started coming one after the other: purple discoloration in left leg, warm to the touch, and swelling. My gut feeling was that it was blood clots, but I was turned away due to my age — I was 24. The week before my surgery, I developed side pain in my ribs and then not even 24 hours after that sign, I could not breathe without crying due to the monstrous pain.
On my surgery date, I was rushed to the emergency room and was informed I developed both DVT and PE. I underwent a vascular surgery and two stents were placed in my left groin. Since then, I have been on a blood thinner and wear a compression sleeve on my left leg.
I did eventually have my ACL surgery in December 2024 and I’m now fighting the lifetime challenge of a DVT at the age of 25 years old due to having two blood clot gene mutations — factor V Leiden heterozygous and prothrombin gene mutation (factor II). In terms of family history, my father has tested positive for factor V Leiden.
I’m now focusing on my recovery from my ACL and staying as active as possible with my partner, puppies, and family. Life doesn’t stop when you have this diagnosis, it makes you appreciate waking up every morning getting another day with those around you. Stay positive and keep pushing through this!
Interventional Therapies
Factor V Leiden
Prothrombin gene mutation (factor II)