
This Was a Wakeup Call: Emily’s Story

This Was a Wakeup Call: Emily’s Story

In October 2020 I began to experience difficulties breathing, sharp stabbing pains, and dizziness that continued for for five days.

During this time, I was avid long distance runner and weight lifter. My life revolved around fitness. I assumed since I was in such good physical condition that something like this would ever happen to me.

After the five days, I was brought to the hospital where I was diagnosed with multiple bilateral pulmonary emboli. This was shocking and devastating, but also a wakeup call. I always thought I was invincible health-wise. I was given an anticoagulant at the hospital and continued them for nine months while I rehabbed my lungs. I had lung infarctions on both sides since I waited to get checked out. Zone 2 training became my best friend. Working at a lower heart rate has helped my work my lungs back to where the were before my PE.

During my hospital stay, I created goals for my future, which I am proud to say I accomplished. I ran a marathon and I compete in half marathons and 10k races to this day.

I am so grateful that I went to my local hospital when I did. I definitely have a guardian angel. This experience has given me such an appreciation for life, my family and my friends. You only have so many trips around the sun so make them count!


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Chrissy Voss