
I’m Grateful For My Team of Doctors and My Dog Kiko for Saving My Life: Esmaralda’s Story

I’m Grateful For My Team of Doctors and My Dog Kiko for Saving My Life: Esmaralda’s Story

I had my first DVT and PE almost five years ago at 21 years old. My leg was hurting, but I kept ignoring it. When my dog Kiko started sniffing my leg and whining, I felt that something was wrong because that was unusual behavior for him.

I went to urgent care, and they sent me to the ER. I had a massive clot in my entire leg and a PE. The doctor said I made it just in time.

Two weeks after having the clot cleared, I went for a follow-up and had already formed another massive clot. I had to get a stent put in my iliac vein due to May-Thurner syndrome, and I have to be on blood thinners for life because I also have factor V Leiden (heterozygous).

Since then, I have been treated for other venous diseases, including arteriovenous malformation (when blood vessels are abnormally tangled and form direct connections between arteries and veins, bypassing capillaries), nutcracker syndrome (when the left renal vein is compressed between the aorta and superior mesenteric artery) and congested pelvic syndrome (a chronic condition that causes pelvic pain, thought to be caused by enlarged veins in the lower abdomen) and wonder if they are all related.

I have pain in my legs still and have venous insufficiency, and I am trying to get better every day. I am grateful for my team of doctors and my doggy Kiko for saving my life!

I want to spread awareness that anyone can get a clot! Never give up and always keep fighting!


Factor V Leiden
May-Thurner syndrome
Living Your Best Life on Blood Thinners

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