I had my first DVT about 15 years ago after a surgery that damaged my deep vein, which slowed the blood flow and increased the risk of clots. I gave myself enoxaparin injections and went on warfarin (that’s all there was at the time) for six months.
Two years ago, I had an unprovoked superficial deep vein thrombosis clot and went on apixaban for three months. My most recent blood clot was about a month ago. I had an extensive clot that spanned my entire leg and into my abdomen. I had a mesh filter placed into the main artery in my abdomen to prevent the clot from getting to my lungs. I am now on rivaroxaban for life.
My leg (ankle to thigh) swells regularly and I need to wear compression socks even in the summer. I was tested for every known genetic condition, but am negative for all. I have elevated homocysteine, but am told it’s questionable if that’s a cause or result of clots. We have no idea why I clot. (I have been checked and thankfully do not have any cancers).
I’m hoping in time that more research and information will help explain why I clot, and there will be even more options for better living either through medicines or yet-to-be-developed devices and therapies.
Clotting is scary, and living with clots and their side effects is difficult, but I am thankful to be here and that there are life-saving medicines that let me live with this.
Questions to Ask Your Doctor
Living Your Best Life on Blood Thinners
Hospitalization and Surgery