It was the last day of our honeymoon. We were packing when I had a sudden onset of nausea, and I was also hot, dizzy, and out of breath. It felt like I was running a marathon every few feet I walked.
But I was determined to enjoy our last day, so I took a nap and drank more water, but ended up at an urgent care where they said I had Covid, even though my test was negative. I was given some medication and sent on my way.
Our flight was later that day and I was determined to get home. I don’t remember much of that four-hour flight. I was in pain, vomiting, I was hot. We stayed the night close to the airport and continued home on a four-hour drive the next day.
On the third day of these symptoms, we ended up at the ER. They did a CT scan and found that I had clots in my lungs. They started me on oxygen but did not have capacity to treat me and sent me to a larger hospital, where I spent another night in the ER on a heparin drip. I was scheduled for an emergency thrombectomy the next morning. They said I was only using a quarter of the capacity of my lungs; one was completely blocked.
Thankfully I changed primary care doctors after this. She tested me for genetic disorders, and I tested positive for three blood clotting disorders, factor V Leiden (heterozygous), plasminogen deficiency, and prothombrin gene mutation (factor II). My other risk factors were estrogen-based birth control and a plane flight.
I take twice daily blood thinners, I had to take twice daily shots while pregnant with my kids. I have way more knowledge about blood clots now, and am more aware of stopping the clot. My children will be tested and have the education about blood clots. I am beyond blessed to be here today. God was not finished with me yet.
Prothombrin Gene Mutation (factor II)
Factor V Leiden
Birth Control