
Adjusting to the New Normal Was the Most Difficult Part: Kate’s Story

Adjusting to the New Normal Was the Most Difficult Part: Kate’s Story

I experienced my pulmonary embolism in September 2023. Our youngest son and I had taken our older children to school, and the day went on normally.

I noticed that I was becoming easily winded while doing really simple activities. My heart rate was also high. After school, our middle child had soccer practice and sat on the field, knowing something was very wrong.

As I was on my way to the ER, I tried convincing myself that nothing was wrong and I was coming back home that night.

Everything in the ER moved quickly. EKG, bloodwork, and a CT scan later, and I was admitted with a pulmonary embolism. While being admitted, they also found a DVT in my right leg.

I was in the hospital for four days. I learned that I have protein S deficiency and I will be on a blood thinner for the rest of my life.

I didn’t realize that adjusting to this new normal would be the most difficult part. After leaving the hospital the first time, I went back to the ER three more times, within a couple of months. The anxiety was extremely difficult. I was scared to be alone with our children in fear that something would happen to me.

Therapy was a huge turning point for me. I learned so much to help me work through and understand my anxiety.

Finding the NBCA was also pivotal in my recovery. You receive an overwhelming amount of information and consult with many doctors after the initial diagnosis. Having a list of questions to ask and resources to provide information was so helpful.

My experience with blood clots has changed my life. I feel fortunate that I still have time with my favorite people. I’ve recently completed the Thrombassador program and I am looking forward to advocating for awareness and connecting with others going through this as well.


Protein S Deficiency
Blood Clot Resource Center
Thrombassador Program

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