
I Suffer From Health Anxiety and PTSD Since This Ordeal: Kerry’s Story

I Suffer From Health Anxiety and PTSD Since This Ordeal: Kerry’s Story

In October 2017, I had a long day working behind my desk and had not gotten up or hydrated much. After about 10 hours, I headed straight to a volleyball game as I played in a league.

Midway through the game, I experienced a sharp, painful cramp in my right calf that would not subside. I could barely walk but managed to finish playing the game. Over the next two days, I limped around and finally decided to go to the emergency room. I assumed it was a strain or torn muscle.

I asked the ER doctor if it could be a blood clot and he said it was very unlikely. They did not even test for it and diagnosed me with a muscle strain. I was about to be discharged when the nurse noticed there was no color in my right foot.

My D-dimer was high, so they did an ultrasound of my right calf where they discovered the clot. I was prescribed blood thinners and sent on my way.

Approximately one week later, I was driving when suddenly I felt like everything was closing in on me, and I could not breathe. I instantly knew to stay calm and pray!

I called 9-1-1 and they transported me to the hospital where they discovered by CT that I had a pulmonary embolism. I stayed in the hospital for a week on a heparin drip. All genetic testing was negative. My assumption was it was due to sitting all day and dehydration.

Recently, I was diagnosed with venous insufficiency. I question whether the clot caused the vascular issue or if I had a vascular issue that caused the clot. Hopefully, I will be able to get answers.

I suffer from health anxiety and PTSD since this ordeal. I have even gone to the hospital on several occasions, fearing another clot. I am taking steps to heal my body, mind, and spirit. It’s a journey!


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