
This Diagnosis Was Shocking: Lacey’s Story

This Diagnosis Was Shocking: Lacey’s Story

At the end of June, I began experiencing symptoms that I initially attributed to a chest cold. Since I could still carry out my regular activities, like exercising and working, I didn’t pay much attention.

However, after about a week, my condition worsened, leading to severe pain when I inhaled and difficulty breathing. The persistent chest pain radiated to my back, making it hard to stand. I realized something was seriously wrong.

An elevated D-dimer level and a chest CT scan revealed a pulmonary embolism along with pleural effusion and left-sided lung infarction. As a healthy 27-year-old with no significant medical history aside from varicose veins, this diagnosis was shocking.

Back in March, I had experienced pain related to my varicose veins, and ultrasounds confirmed blood pooling in them at that time. Doctors believe this pooling contributed to my pulmonary embolism.

I have started a treatment regimen with blood thinners and am awaiting results from additional tests for possible clotting disorders. I also have a procedure scheduled to repair my varicose veins.

While I have physically recovered, the experience has taken a toll on my mental health, which I am working to address each day. NBCA resources have been extremely helpful. I feel much more informed and educated on signs and symptoms and reading other stories similar to mine has helped to provide me comfort.

It has been a long journey, but I am so thankful for all of the support I have had along the way.


Psychological Impact of Blood Clots
Varicose Veins
Birth Control

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