
I Spent 18 Months on Supplemental Oxygen: Maresa’s Story

I Spent 18 Months on Supplemental Oxygen: Maresa’s Story

I had been having what I considered typical cold symptoms for about a month. Ongoing negative COVID tests gave little clarity. The doctors initially diagnosed me with a sinus infection then and pneumonia when the symptoms didn’t subside.

I woke up Valentines Day 2022 with total numbness on my right side. I could not make it more than five feet without being out of breath. My roommate made the call to take me to the emergency room when she noticed that I couldn’t identify basic items. She was worried about a stroke.

Upon arriving, my oxygen level was 60 and I was placed onto supplemental oxygen. I was diagnosed with a DVT and multiple PEs and spent seven days in the hospital. I spent 18 months on various levels of supplemental oxygen. I had adventures with the help of a portable oxygen compressor and a scooter. I am now a lifer on anticoagulants and have regular check-in visits with my hematologist and pulmonologist.

It’s a fight, but one that I would like to think I’m holding my own in. I’m slowly gaining stamina back with effort and time. I had to push back some of my doctoral coursework, but I have made it through defense and graduation and am officially a doctor!

My best advice is that if you don’t feel like you are getting better, keep following up with your medical team. If the diagnosis doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t.


How is a DVT Diagnosed?
Living Your Best Life on Anticoagulants
New Patient Resource Guide

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