
Two Major Surgeries When I Had Clots: Mary’s Story

Two Major Surgeries When I Had Clots: Mary’s Story

In January 2024, I started having difficulty walking up a long hill to get to my car after work. It got to the point where it scared me how hard I was breathing by the time I got to the top.

In February, I had a pre-surgical exam for a shoulder replacement scheduled in March. Every test came back normal. I had surgery on March 13. All was fine until I developed an infection at the surgical site and exactly one month post-op and I had to have the replacement re-done.

I ended up with a PICC line. I had nurse visits at home and injections of antibiotics three times per day. During this time, I noticed some slight difficulty breathing but was so focused on everything else I didn’t really think much of it.

In May, I finally saw my PCP and she ordered a pulmonary function test because I couldn’t walk 10 feet without sitting down. I couldn’t get in for the test until July.

At a scheduled appointment with my doctor, I mentioned my symptoms and he ordered a D-dimer. The results were crazy high. I went to the emergency department, where I was diagnosed with DVTs in both calves and multiple bilateral PEs in both lungs. I spent five days in the hospital on IV heparin and was released on oral apixaban.

When I followed up with my PCP, her comment was, “I never even considered a blood clot.”

I had two major surgeries when I already had clots. I feel lucky to be alive.


Blood Clot Resource Center
Hospitalization and Surgery
How is a PE Diagnosed?

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