
I Keep Worrying That It Will Happen Again: Michael’s Story

I Keep Worrying That It Will Happen Again: Michael’s Story

One day at work, I suspected that I had malaria. I went to the hospital and had a rapid test done, and the results showed that I was negative.

But I went ahead and started taking malaria drugs for three days because I was feeling terrible. I sought treatment again, but at a different hospital, because my urine was darker than usual. I was given more medication and stayed in bed for four days.

During the second week, I started feeling pain in my right calf.  I was limping, but I ignored it, thinking it was a spasm related to walking after being immobile. On the second day, the pain shifted to the right leg in the same place.

After two days, I went to the hospital for some tests all was okay. I was given medicine and told to come back if the pain was still there after a week so I could get a D-dimer test.

The pain was really worrying me. I went to see an orthopedic surgeon, who requested a D-dimer test and Doppler, which were both negative. I was referred to a physiologist for three sessions. I felt some relief.

I reported to work, and for two weeks, the pain intensified. I returned to the hospital and was given another D-dimer test, which turned out to be elevated. A Doppler scan showed a DVT in my calf.

I was admitted to the hospital and stayed for three days. I was on an anticoagulant for three months, and I’m trying to stay active. Despite this, I keep worrying that it will happen again. My children are still young, and I fear what would happen to them if I have a recurrence and don’t make it.

In terms of risk factors, I believe there is a family history — we suspect my mother died from a PE.

I listen to NBCA’s podcast and the stories of other patients have made me feel more positive. A host of the podcast (Todd Robertson) said that he has had seven DVT recurrences, and this has given me hope. Very active people get DVTs. Anyone at any age can have it. I was 37 when I was diagnosed.


How is a DVT Diagnosed?
Taking a Breath: A Stop the Clot Podcast
Signs and Symptoms

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