I just had my one-year clotiversary! Last Presidents’ Day, on February 19, 2024, I faced a life-altering struggle. After days of coughing up blood and an urgent care provider’s dismissive reassurance that I simply had a bad case of bronchitis, I finally found help in the emergency room.
Doctors diagnosed me with an unprovoked pulmonary embolism causing a pulmonary infarction, or the death of lung tissue in my right lung. I spent six excruciating and terrifying days in the hospital on blood thinners. These moments were some of the most frightening of my life.
Yet, my time in the hospital was only the beginning of my transformation. My experience filled me with new overwhelming gratitude for my life, my loved ones, and especially my amazing wife, who stood steadfastly by my side through it all. Also, the social media connections I’ve made through NBCA really helped me have perspective and made me feel seen.
In terms of risk factors, I tested positive for factor V Leiden (heterozygous), and everyone in my family has come back positive factor v Leiden, too. I’ve made numerous lifestyle changes to reduce my risk: I stopped vaping and drinking alcohol and have replaced it with biking 5-10 miles a day on my stationary bike.
So, here’s to celebrating a precious second chance at life as a happier and healthier person! Let this journey be a reminder to cherish every moment and hold dear those we love, for life is truly fleeting. Embrace each day with open arms and an open heart, and never take a single moment for granted!