
This Experience Transformed My Life: Nina’s Story

This Experience Transformed My Life: Nina’s Story

I was on a business trip to Scotland when I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my chest during pre-dinner drinks. I began to feel dizzy and had difficulty breathing. I thought it might be anxiety caused by dehydration and not having eaten that day.

A taxi was arranged for me to return to my hotel, and a staff member accompanied me. By the time we arrived at the hotel, I could barely walk and couldn’t get past the reception area. I sat down in a chair and raised my arms in an attempt to breathe more easily. I called my husband and handed the phone to the staff member, asking her to speak with him. The hotel receptionist noticed my condition and called for an ambulance. I spent several hours in the ambulance before being admitted to the emergency room.

After undergoing several tests and scans, I was informed that I had a massive pulmonary saddle embolism, which led to my transfer to the critical care unit, where I remained for several days. Before being discharged from the hospital, I spent a few additional days in the pulmonary ward. My husband traveled to Scotland the same night I experienced the PE, and we returned to Germany by car and ferry.

This experience has profoundly transformed my life. The recovery process required time, both physically and mentally. As a result of this event, I have transitioned to the healthcare business at a large pharmaceutical company. I am now dedicated to helping bring more medicines to patients more quickly.

The NBCA resources have been essential to my recovery process. I am truly thankful for the support provided by these resources and my fellow blood clot survivors. I have since become a certified Thrombassador for the NBCA.

My advice to others is to be aware of the symptoms of blood clots and see a doctor if you have any of them. If you experience a DVT and/or PE: Slow and steady wins the race. Be kind to yourself and give yourself time to heal.


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