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Patient Stories

The Hematologist Told Me to Buy a Lottery Ticket For How Lucky I’d Been: McKenna’s Story

In the summer of 2021, I started to experience extreme back pain. At times, I was unable to sit down or move at all.   Being an active 20-year-old who grew up playing sports, I attributed my pain to a tweak that I just needed to stretch out. But the pain continued getting worse, and my…

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My Only Risk Factor Was Estrogen: Ann’s Story

I started having intermittent chest pain in March 2021. I thought it was a sports injury and went to see my primary care provider (PCP). By May of that year, the pain was constant, so my PCP scheduled a CT scan.   I arrived at the imaging center and they had not received my order.…

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Be Cautious and Know It Can Happen to Anyone: Erin’s Story

I have been an athlete my whole life. I am a Division 1 swimmer and work out every day. One day, I started feeling a sharp pain in my lower back after lifting weights and thought I overdid it or used incorrect form. It began to progress and I started getting extreme pain that radiated…

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Life is So Very Precious: Daisy’s Story

I’ve experienced deep vein thrombosis twice in my life so far. In 2010, when I was six weeks postpartum, I had cramps in my calf that lasted for three days, but I had no discoloration or swelling. I called my doctor and they had me come in “just in case.” An ultrasound of my right…

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I Was Told it Was Just Inflammation: Alphonso’s Story

I am a 48-year-old male and in March 2023, I was diagnosed with a blood clot spanning from my lower right calf up to the pelvic area.   This was the result of a meniscus procedure I had done on my right knee approximately four weeks earlier. The first symptoms I experienced were tightness, swelling,…

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We Lost Our Son at the Age of 20: Adam’s Story

As told by his mother, Jenifer. On Dec. 3, 2020, I took my 18-year-old son, Adam, to the ER. He had severe back and leg pain, and his leg was swollen and purple. I thought that it was a pinched nerve or maybe a kidney infection.    Doctors discovered a massive clot in his left…

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This Experience has Taught Me to Lean on my Support System: Careese’s Story

I started becoming short of breath around Memorial Day weekend. I’d get winded walking from the parking garage at work to my desk, and walking from my apartment to my car.    Since I had COVID the month before, my doctor thought it could be long COVID and I was given an inhaler.    On June 16,…

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‘It’s a Minor Pain and This Girl is Making a Fuss About it:’ Pradnya’s Story

I was 21 years old when I began experiencing cramps, pain, and a burning sensation in my left calf. I visited multiple providers, who told me my symptoms might be due to a deficiency.   But I woke up one morning and couldn’t stand up. I had a shooting pain from my left groin to my…

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Talking About My PE and Researching It Has Helped Lessen My Anxiety: Sarah’s Story

On Dec. 8, 2021, I was about to take my daughter to a holiday event before going to work. She had forgotten her hoodie, so I ran upstairs for it and immediately felt lightheaded with a pounding heart. I had been suffering from shortness of breath for a few weeks but had put it down…

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If I Hadn’t Been Persistent, My Outcome Would’ve Been Much Different: Licinda’s Story

On April 22, 2021, I was experiencing shortness of breath, but I thought it was just allergies or connected to wearing a mask during the height of COVID-19. I was walking my dog when my Apple watch started beeping to alert me of my extremely high heart rate. I couldn’t decide if I should call…

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