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Family Members Across Several Generations Are Also Factor V Leiden-Positive: Wendy’s Story

I came home from work one summer day and complained to my husband about my legs aching badly. I asked him to rub my feet to help relieve the pain. As he stood in front of me, he asked if I had even looked down at my legs because my left leg was unusually red…

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The Body Has an Amazing Ability for Healing: John’s Story

I had a bad crash on my road bike in late February of 2023. My initial injuries were a broken clavicle, shattered elbow, fractured pelvis, three broken ribs, and subsequent collapsed lung. I had elbow surgery that night and waited a month for clavicle surgery. What wasn’t caught, however, was a brain bleed. I was…

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The Doctor Who Almost Sent Me Home was Very Apologetic: Jersey’s Story

On Nov. 17, 2021, I had a right knee arthroscopy, an outpatient procedure that only took only 15 minutes. I was told I would be back walking in two to three weeks. However, my healing time would be severely prolonged. Two days after my procedure, I began having a painful charley horse in my right…

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Having a Blood Clot Taught Me to Seize the Day: Molly’s Story

I had been having pain while breathing and shortness of breath for a few weeks. I couldn’t speak full sentences without gasping for air, and I had been ignoring this and the pain because I didn’t feel like I had time to be sick. I tried to rationalize it as a pulled muscle or humid…

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I’ve Never Been So Panicked in My Life: Adam’s Story

I had just gotten over a cold where I was laid up in bed for a few days, so I went for a run to get back on the exercise train. Shortly into my run, I felt an odd pain in my chest and decided to cut it short. The pain worsened over the next…

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My Blood Clots Were a Result of an Ankle Injury: Martin’s Story

In December 2012, I was at work when a mild discomfort in my rib cage quickly become excruciating.   Upon arriving at the ER, I was given various tests, including an EKG and ultrasound, which revealed blood clots in both of my legs, or deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Further testing confirmed that I had blood clots…

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Keep Your Cell Phone Nearby: Bonnie’s Story

I got up on a Saturday in January 2023 and suddenly became nauseated and faint. I laid down on the floor and texted my husband since I was unable to call out to him. He helped me to the living room sofa and called 9-1-1.   All of my vitals were fine, but the medics…

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I’m Very Grateful for my Blood Clots: Erica’s Story

I woke up one morning with a slight twinge in my left side. I didn’t think much of it, though. I took some Advil and continued on with my day.   Despite my discomfort, I went on a hike with my boyfriend. After we got back, my side was bothering me a bit more. I figured…

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Not Knowing What Caused my PEs is Frightening and Frustrating: Kaprena’s Story

I’m 47 years old and grateful to be alive. This is because I experienced pulmonary emboli (PE) on three separate occasions.  About six weeks after giving birth to my second son, I began to feel tired and thought I was coming down with a cold. My mother suggested that I go to the emergency room…

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Everyone Told Me to ‘Eat a Banana and Shake it Off’: Vanessa’s Story

I was standing at the car wash waiting for my car when I experienced an extreme charley horse in my left calf. The pain was so intense that it knocked the wind right out of me. For five days, I pushed through the pain, continuing to go to work, massaging my leg, and putting cold…

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