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Patient Stories

Don’t Hesitate to Get Checked Out if You Have Problems Breathing: Ginger’s Story

In late July 2024, I started having a series of high fevers that would come and go for several weeks. One Monday morning, I felt out of breath and couldn’t finish my many conference calls. I wasn’t having any pain or fever, just out of breath and tired. By that night, I could only lay…

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A Radiologist Saved My Life: Lisa’s Story

In August 1993, I was 25 years old and three months from my wedding day. I realized that I would probably be menstruating on my wedding day and honeymoon. As I suffered from terrible cramps, I was upset. My aunt, a nurse, suggested I see a gynecologist, mentioning that if I start the birth control…

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It Was the Worst Pain I’d Ever Experienced: Anya’s Story

In March 2024, I ran a parent race at my kids’ sporting event. Two days later, I started to experience symptoms similar to costochondritis, an inflammation of the cartilage that connects a rib to the breastbone, including a sharp pain in my ribs. It became worse, and I could not lay flat to sleep and…

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Stay Positive and Keep Pushing Through This: Elizabeth’s Story

I fully tore my ACL and partially tore my MCL and meniscus in March of 2024 playing volleyball. I first started developing blood clots in mid-April 2024 before my knee surgery. I started feeling nauseas, but ignored it, thinking it was from my menstrual cycle. The signs started coming one after the other: purple discoloration…

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I’m So Happy to Be Alive: Karen’s Story

In October 2022, I was having issues with a low heart rate. I started having severe, right-sided back pain and dizziness so much that I was crawling to avoid falling. I had no shortness of breath or swelling in my leg. A few days later, I coughed up blood and contacted my physician, who sent…

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Blood Thinners Need to be Available at a Lower Cost: Lydia’s Story

I had my first child in 1989 by C-section. Four weeks later, my left leg was hurting so badly that I could hardly walk. I went to the hospital and was told I had a blood clot in my left leg (DVT) and had to stay in the hospital for one month. This was hard…

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I Knew Something Was Off: Sara’s Story

I ran my first marathon in April 2024 and eagerly began training for my second one. I quickly noticed that training was a lot more challenging than usual. I chalked discomfort in my shoulder up to lifting heavy weights in the gym and chest pain up to my sports bras being too tight. My heart…

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It’s Common to be Misdiagnosed: Molly’s Story

In late September 2023, my left calf started aching mysteriously. The pain was radiating up and down my leg so I thought maybe it was a pinched nerve. It was getting hard to walk, so I did an online urgent care visit. I was diagnosed with muscle strain and told to wrap it, take ibuprofen…

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Diagnosed With Five DVTs After a Scooter Accident: Xio’s Story

In March 2011, I had a C-section and developed a superficial clot in my left leg, My treatment was compression socks and I felt better after a week. Years later, on March 30, 2024, I had a fall from an electric scooter. All my weight fell on my left leg, but somehow, I got up…

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My Doctor Dismissed My Leg Pain as Sciatica: Ashley’s Story

At 31 weeks pregnant, I was getting ready for the arrival of my baby when I started experiencing extreme pain in my left leg. I remember going to my baby shower and barely being able to walk. This was very concerning, so the next day, I called my OB/GYN and explained my symptoms. Unfortunately, she…

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