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Patient Stories

Knowing Blood Clot Signs & Symptoms Makes A Difference: Sylvia’s Story

In May 2015, I was wrapping up a day at work. I was short of breath and coughing badly. I told my husband to take me to the emergency room (ER) because I had been dealing with it for a week, and I was running out of my asthma medication. I went to the ER…

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Climbing to New Heights: Wes’ Story

In February of 2017, a friend challenged me to climb Mount St. Helens in August. At the time, I figured this was an easily attainable goal and we signed up. April came and I noticed some soreness in my right calf. During my lunch breaks I would climb the stairwell at work (16 floors), and…

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Grateful for Every Second: Caitlyn’s Story

No one can predict what medical issues they will have to overcome in their lives. I never thought that I would come face to face with a serious condition, like deep vein thrombosis, when I was 16 years old. It is what happened to me, though, and I feel extremely passionate about raising awareness, because…

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Every Day, Life is a Gift: Kimberly’s Story

My pulmonary embolism story began when I had surgery in May of 2018. I went in for a laparoscopic hysterectomy and I was released from the hospital that same day. I didn’t realize that I was at risk for a blood clot due to the type of surgery I was having, as well as being age 49…

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Being Your Own Advocate Could Save Your Life: Tiffany’s Story

For my college graduation trip, I went to Hawaii with my family. After our red eye flight back to LAX, I got up out of my seat and had severe calf pain in my left leg. I attributed it to running and didn’t think much of it. The next day, it was still bothering me,…

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Blood Clots Were My Greatest Fear: Ashlee’s Story

I was 29 years old when I was first diagnosed with blood clots. I dropped a bench on my right foot and about a week later, I started to feel pain in my right ankle and knee. I went to see my doctor about two weeks after the pain started, because it wasn’t going away,…

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Listen to Your Body, Your Life is Worth It: Jeri’s Story

Postscript: March 2021 Update After recovery following my first blood clot, I thought it was all finally over. After suffering a debilitating stroke due to a blood clot in 2018, it never occurred to me that I could have another blood clot while on a blood thinner. Luckily, this time I knew the signs. Eighteen…

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The Perfect Provoked Storm: Jessica’s Story

I have never been “normal” when it comes to my health as a young adult. For 10 years, I struggled with severe stomach and esophagus problems. I developed an allergy to the medication that treats the conditions in my esophagus. So, this year, my health finally ran out of options. It wasn’t until April 2018…

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My Only Symptom of DVT was Ankle Pain: Lora’s Story

In 2018, I welcomed my beautiful son into the world via Caesarean section. Everything was going well, except that I had ankle pain that radiated up my inner leg. I was told my ankle pain was due to the strain of pregnancy, and to continue to wear compression stockings. I did as I was instructed.…

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Birth Control for Fertility Treatments Caused My Stroke and CVST: Antonella’s Story

December 21, 2017, started off just like any other day. I woke up early, worked out, and then got ready for work. I had a headache for two days prior. I was taking over-the-counter pain medication, but my headache was not so bad that it stopped me from my normal routine. While I was at…

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