Patient Stories
A Blood Clot in the Brain Changed My Life: Jen’s Story
I am a 33-year-old relatively healthy, active woman. I don’t smoke or drink. On August 19, 2016, I woke up with a headache that wouldn’t subside even with pain medication and acupuncture. The next morning, the pain was worse. I vomited and had a drooping eyelid, so I went to urgent care. Thankfully, the doctor…
Youth Doesn’t Equal Invincibility: Helen’s Story
The day my life almost ended was a picturesque, snow-dappled Saturday in December. I was a 22-year-old on an adventure, visiting Germany for the first time and staying with some old friends. I couldn’t wait to see what an authentic German “Weihnachten” had to offer. Little did I know, my life was about to be…
I’m a 22-Year-Old Nursing Student, and I Experienced a Blood Clot: Katie’s Story
It was just another day of college as I got up to go to my clinical rotation for nursing school. When I got home, I noticed a sharp pain under my left breast that, as the night went on, radiated to my back and up my left shoulder blade. Just to be safe, I went…
The Day that Changed My Life: Philip’s Story
My name is Philip Begley, I am 56 years old, and I live in England. My story began on November 22, 1999. My truck was in for MOT annual service, so my boss said to start work late the next day. The next day came, Tuesday, and I was sitting down, putting my boots on…
Back Pain was my First Symptom: Kassidy’s Story
Five years ago, at the age of 23, I developed dozens of blood clots in both of my legs, my pelvis, and my stomach. Two weeks earlier, I was experiencing daily back pain on my lower right side. My OB/GYN chalked the pain up to ovarian cysts, which had never been a problem before. I…
MTS Can Cause Deadly DVTs: Lorilyn’s Story
I worried a lot about being diagnosed with illnesses that ran rampant in my family, such as breast cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. The one thing I never worried about was blood clots. In 2003, I turned 40 years old, and I had surgery to remove the right lobe of my thyroid, due to a…
A Life-Threatening Diagnosis Changed My Life: Ashley Cassidy’s Story
I was 23 years old in 2013, and I was a healthy individual who was very physically active, running, and going to the gym preparing for boot camp. It was July and two months before I was scheduled to leave for basic training to fulfill my Navy Corpsman contract that I had signed seven months…
Forever Loved and Never Forgotten: Rickey’s Story as told by his Mother, Dawn Ortiz Colomy
My son, Richard Scott Colomy Jr. 3rd, who we call Rickey, was born with vascular malformation and after searching for many medical opinions to help him, we settled with the Children’s Hospital of Pennsylvania (CHOP), who provided us with immediate information about his condition. Along with a team of doctors, his plastic surgery specialist …
Trust Your Gut: Kaitlyn’s Story
In April 2013, I traveled to Japan to visit my brother, and then to California to visit my grandfather. When I got home from my two-week vacation, I woke up one morning with a shooting pain in my leg. I thought perhaps I slept wrong or I wore the wrong shoes at work the previous…
Surviving a Silent Killer: Lisa’s Story
I always thought of myself as person who wears many cape: a mom, a wife, and a friend. I was always on the go, shuffling my oldest child to high school and a job, taking both younger kids everywhere with me, while doing errands for myself, the house, the school, our brewery and at the…