Patient Stories
I Want to Use My Experience to Help Others: Samantha’s Story
I had zero problems with my health until three years ago, when I was 19, and started on birth control pills to treat acne that did not respond to over the counter medicine. I am a non-smoker, never had any weight problems, and have not been in the hospital since I was two years old.…
Blood Clots in the Brain at 19: Lauren’s Story
Lauren Murdock had venous clots in her brain that seemed to come out of the blue during her time at college, but she found positive ways to cope. 2010 started off as an amazing year for me. I was adjusting to life at a new university, socially active on campus, and had adopted a healthy,…
Foot Surgery Resulted in a DVT: Bridget’s Story
Bridget Schaap thought she was having simple foot surgery, and was surprised to find that she developed a blood clot after it. When I look back, it’s hard to believe all that happened to me. As I prepared to quit my job and move from Chicago to Michigan to begin graduate school in December 2010, I…
I Didn’t Think Blood Clots Could Happen to Me: Jim’s Story
Jim Smith had DVTs in each leg and a PE after a prostatectomy, and he is now dealing with complications. My story begins in 2006 when I had abdominal surgery for a prostatectomy. I was hit with a massive pulmonary embolism (PE) ten days after I was discharged from the hospital. Luckily for me, it…
I Still Live With a 6-Inch Blood Clot: Cassandra’s Story
Cassandra Bradshaw was at death’s door due to a large blood clot found in her inferior vena cava and an infection after delivery, but she refused to believe her prognosis and is now a hopeful survivor who wants to spread awareness. I was 23 years old when I gave birth to a sweet baby boy…
My Son Died at 14: Kyle’s Story, as Told by His Mother
I am the mother of Kyle Baca, who at age 14 was the victim of a “massive bilateral pulmonary embolism” (PE) on the morning of October 30, 2010. I knew Kyle was sick, but I thought it was an upper respiratory infection at the time. He played football that season for his high school freshman team,…
A Fatal PE After Knee Surgery: Eric’s Story, as Told by Sophie
My late boyfriend, Eric Vignando, passed away at 49 years old on November 29, 2010. Eric had knee problems after ski accidents, and he finally went in for a partial knee replacement after having pain for 20 years. His surgery was on Nov 12, 2010. His surgery went well, his doctor was pleased, and Eric…
It’s Too Risky to Have More Children: Sarah’s Story
At age 26 in June 2006, I was diagnosed with a deep vein thrombosis (DVT) that extended from my ankle to my groin on my left side. I was unable to walk, because of intense pain and swelling in my leg, and I thought I was going to die. I was too scared to move,…
Birth Control Pills Can Pose a Risk for Blood Clots: Sharon’s Story
Four years ago, I found out that taking birth control pills could almost take my life! Shortly after returning from my honeymoon in December 2007, I felt severe abdominal pain. My former primary doctor changed the brand of my birth control pills, prescribed ibuprofen for pain, and eventually sent me for a pelvic ultrasound that…
Keep Your Legs Active on Flights: Melanie’s Story
Two years ago, I flew from Sydney to San Francisco, a 14 hour flight, in a middle seat in coach. I took a sleeping pill to try to beat jet leg. I slept for about 4 hours, awoke for a minute, and then went back to sleep for another 4 or 5 hours, so I…