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Minnesota Vikings Brian Robison Tells His Blood Clot Story

Inver Grove Heights, MN, December 10, 2009 – Brian Robison, MN Vikings Defensive End, suffered from two blood clots in his leg in August,2008.  Fortunately, his blood clots were surgically removed, but Brian realized how serious they could have become had he ignored his symptoms. Brian shares his experience and why he agreed to be…

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DVTs Can Occur After Surgery: Tim’s Story

My name is Tim Allen and I am 59 years old.  I “busted” my foot playing soccer in college and needed surgery to repair it about 35 years ago when I was in the Air Force.  However, it got worse recently, and I dislocated my toes whenever I ran.  Unfortunately, I developed DVTs in my…

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Tell Doctors Your Family Medical History: Andy’s Story

My name is Andy Morris, age 26. I have always been aware of the threat of blood clots, because my dad has had to take a “blood thinner” daily due to a protein deficiency.  He has a history of blood clots in his legs, and in one instance in particular he developed not just one,…

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Spreading Awareness of Blood Clotting Disorders: Lynn’s Story

When I awakened from a deep sleep on the morning of June 12, 2003, I had no idea what the awful pain in my right side was. Could it be the hotel bed that I was sleeping in, the heavy box I had moved earlier in the day, a cold coming on? I continued to…

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Pregnant Women Need To Assess Their Blood Clot Risk: Lisa’s Story

I never knew that I was a risk for a blood clot that nearly killed me. One week after giving birth to my second child I started experiencing hip pain, called the OB office, spoke with a nurse and I was told that it was probably the result of delivery and I was advised to…

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I Was Told My Leg Might Need to be Amputated: Velton’s Story

In October of 1993, when I was 47, my left leg started swelling from my hip to my toes and I started experiencing trouble breathing. My leg felt so tight, that I couldn’t  bend my knee, so I contacted an orthopedic practice who then referred me to an internal medicine physician, Dr. D. Dr. D.…

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The Other Side of Nursing: Christa’s Story

My name is Christa and I have been a cardiac nurse at South Shore Hospital in S. Weymouth, MA for the past 15 years. My story is not from any of my many years of working in the medical profession but rather of the challenges I came across from the other side of nursing, as…

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I Appeared on Good Morning America: Pam’s Story

It’s because of a Good Morning America segment about pain in the back of the leg that I was listening to while getting ready for work that I am able to tell my story. Having similar pain to what they were talking about prompted me to call my physician and I was scheduled for an…

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Misdiagnosed With Chest Wall Pain: Jim’s Story

My sport and how I got started are directly linked.  I lost my father and grandfather to blood related cancers when I was a young boy.  In 2005 I became aware of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Societies Team in Training and got involved.  I became an endurance athlete and began raising money to fight blood…

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Factor V Leiden and Birth Control: Jessica’s Story

Today was a cool, brisk November day, and I decided to go visit Jessies’ Garden. I climbed from my car and walked the short distance to the spot where our journey ended two and a half years ago. We brought her here to her final resting-place while the bagpipes she loved played Amazing Grace. I…

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