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She Had So Much Life Ahead of Her: Sydney’s Story

As told by her mother Charita My daughter Sydney’s blood clots began in 2020 after driving six hours to Mississippi and back to visit her cousins for a week. The very next morning after returning home, she told me she was out of breath and her leg was hurting badly and had a cramping feeling.…

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Being Faced With Your Mortality is Life-Changing: Casper’s Story

Not long after I turned 21, I started to notice the veins on the left side of my chest becoming extremely prominent. My left arm felt like it was falling asleep constantly throughout the day. It was strange, but I just assumed I had pulled a muscle or slept on it wrong. I didn’t feel…

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I Was Diagnosed With MVT and PVT: James’ Story

I began having a belly ache on Friday, August 3, 2012. I was unable to use the restroom. The only relief I got was laying in hot water in the bathtub. I did this every half hour or so. It continued to worsen, and by Sunday, August 5, it was almost unbearable. Finally, my wife…

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I Wanted to Jump Back Into Life and Quickly Realized I Couldn’t: Patty’s Story

On September 22, 2013, I realized just how fragile life can be. Following a sprint to catch my evening train, I found a seat, sat down, caught my breath, and experienced a sudden shooting pain in my head. As I neared my destination, the headache dissipated, but when I stood to leave the train, I…

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I Refuse to Let CTED Control My Life: Lizzie’s Story

I suffered a massive saddle pulmonary embolism as well as multiple smaller PEs, some of which are now chronic, in October 2022. My event was provoked by an unsuccessful vascular ablation that left my great saphenous vein partially open and Covid 19. Two years later, I still experience intermittent chest tightness and fatigue. After an…

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I Received the Diagnosis of Chronic Thromboembolic Disease (CTED): Christine’s Story

On June 16, 2022, I woke up early to get ready for a trip to a large car show when I noticed a sharp pain in my shoulder. Throughout the three-hour drive, I started to experience pain in my back when I breathed which lasted throughout the day. I did not experience symptoms the following…

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All I Wanted to Do Was Delivery My Baby Safely: Faye’s Story

I was 31 weeks pregnant and was feeling very breathless. I had a routine appointment at the hospital and I was going to cancel as I felt so unwell. They immediately looked at me and things started to happen very quickly. I had a massive PE with right heart strain. They said if I hadn’t…

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Healing Physically Was the Easy Part: Chloe’s Story

In 2016, when I was a sophomore in high school, I started having trouble breathing. My primary care doctor couldn’t figure out what was going on. I kept getting worse until my mom finally requested a specialist. They saw that my pulmonary pressures were through the roof and they wouldn’t let me go home. After…

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My Current Diagnosis is Chronic Thromboembolic Disease: Ann’s Story

On Day 10 of a mild case of Covid and after running five miles that morning, I developed pain under my collarbone right before bedtime. I thought it might be a coronary vasospasm, which I get, so I took nitroglycerin. It didn’t help, so I decided to measure my oxygen, which was in the mid-80s.…

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They Didn’t Believe My Pain: Meagan’s Story

On July 12, 2024, I started to have the worst headache I have ever experienced. I was nauseous and had blurry vision on and off, and I felt like one of my eyes was about to pop out of my face. I went to the ER twice. Both times they treated me with the “migraine…

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