
I Have Alarms Reminding Me to Take My Medication Twice Daily: Sherri’s Story

I Have Alarms Reminding Me to Take My Medication Twice Daily: Sherri’s Story

I am a wife and mother of four girls. I began having complications with my fallopian tubes and painful menstrual cycles. I had both fallopian tubes removed, one in 2020 and the other after I had baby #4  in 2021. I ended up having a hysterectomy in February 2023.

About a week after having the hysterectomy, I was home using the bathroom when I leaned over and began to feel a sharp chest pains that caused me to lose my breath. I remember thinking and praying, “Please do not let this be a heart attack, I’m not ready to die.”

I managed to walk into the living room, passed the baby crying in the crib and told my oldest daughter to call 9-1-1. I sat on the couch, holding my chest while yelling out in pain. Before I knew it, the paramedics were walking up the stairs. Part of me felt embarrassed because I thought it was indigestion.

In the emergency room, the doctor walks in after getting the CT scan results and tells me I have a blood clot in my right lung. My first thoughts were, me? How? Why? But then thought that I’m so glad to be alive. I began taking apixaban and was told that I could stop in July because the clotting would be resolved by then.

I had carpal tunnel surgery on my hand and stopped taking apixaban as instructed. I sat at work for six weeks having chest pains because to my manager was not happy with me going to medical appointments only to go back to the emergency room to find multiple clots in both lungs.

Now, I have to set alarms to remind me to take medication twice daily. I am nervous touching anything sharp, and any cut or injury takes longer to heal.

Staying healthy and active, especially after any procedure, is vital to decrease the chance of developing blood clots. Listen to your body and be proactive.


Living Your Best Life on Blood Thinners
Hospitalization and Surgery
Blood Clot Resource Center

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