I No Longer Live in Fear of Another Re-Clot: Staci’s Story
In July 2018, I developed a nagging dry cough and chest discomfort. I have a history of pneumonia, so I went to urgent care for a chest x-ray. It was clear and I was told I likely have a viral chest cold. The cough continued to linger on, not responding to over-the-counter cough medicine. As…
Don’t Ignore Symptoms of a Blood Clot: Marvin’s Story
In 2017, I was having redness, warmth, pain, and heaviness in my right leg. I was 17 at the time and I had just begun my senior year in high school a few weeks before. I was in school when I first saw that my leg was red, and I made a mistake by not…
Life is a Gift and it’s Fragile: Cara’s Story
I was in my early 30s and enjoying life as a new mom, but I had been having a rough time for nine weeks, experiencing severe headaches and aphasia. I was worked up by a neurologist thoroughly and had all kinds of tests and scans — an MRI, MRA, an EEG — and everything was…
I Thought I Had a Blood Clot, But No One Listened: Cherree’s Story
Three months after a surgical procedure, I went to urgent care as my leg was turning colors and I couldn’t walk. I was told that I had plantar fasciitis on the top of my foot. That was so off track, so I went to a sports medicine doctor who diagnosed me with tendonitis just by…
I’ve Spent the Last Decade Fighting to be Heard by Medical Professionals: Kate’s Story
In July 2023, I went to the emergency room with immobilizing pain and swelling in my left leg. I was quickly diagnosed with two DVTs and was put on apixaban despite being a healthy 37-year-old with no risk factors. About six weeks later, I was still experiencing pain and swelling. I requested another ultrasound despite…
I’m a Nurse, But Being on This Side is Different: Jennifer’s Story
In 2020, I awoke after a cardiac catheterization procedure to find my right leg swollen and discolored. I asked the nurse to contact my physician, but was informed the symptoms I was experiencing were normal. After four hours of lying flat, I continued to bleed from my incision site. Despite the immense pain that radiated…
I Truly Felt This Was It: Kylie’s Story
In February 2023, I went to the ER with abdominal pain I couldn’t explain. After four days in step-down ICU, 30+ labs, two CT scans, three ultrasounds, a chest X-ray, and an echocardiogram, doctors told me I had blood clots, which compromised my blood flow and caused splenic infarcts. After a consult with my hematologist,…
I Went in Circles for Years Trying to Get Answers: Cassandra’s Story
I had my first deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism at 18 years old due to May-Thurner Syndrome. My symptoms were left lower abdomen pain and fainting. I was told multiple times it was a miracle I was alive due to the clot burden. I spent 12 days in the hospital and had a temporary…
I Mistook My Symptoms as a Panic Attack: Jillian’s Story
In December 2021, I was climbing up the subway stairs, heading to my college campus in New York City, when I started feeling off-balanced and dizzy. I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks, so that’s what I thought was happening. I sat down and a nice family came over to me and asked if I…
I’m On More Medications Than My Grandmother: Brianna’s Story
In April 2021, my arm started hurting. I went to a walk-in clinic and they told me I had heartburn. I was prescribed a heartburn relief drink and went home. The next day, my arm was still killing me, but then the pain moved into my chest. That scared me enough to go to the…