Antithrombin III deficiency
My Son is My Hero: Christian’s Story as told by his Mother, Tara
Early in January 2017, my healthy 16-year-old son Christian began experiencing lower back pain that radiated down the back of both of his legs. He has a black belt in Karate, and we thought he hurt himself in class, as did our pediatrician. A few days later, and after taking over-the-counter medications with little relief,…
How I Overcame the Worst Time in My Life at 17 Years Old: Jenny’s Story
I always love to hear the stories of how people beat cancer and overcame diseases, but I never thought anything bad would happen to me. My name is Jenny, and I am a 17-year-old girl who lives in a small town in Iowa. In my high school, I am involved in many activities, including softball,…
Misdiagnosed Repeatedly: Cheryl’s Story
I noticed I had a cough that would not go away in November 2007. I knew it wasn’t a cold, because I didn’t have any other symptoms of a cold. I went to my doctor the next month, and she couldn’t identify a cause. She suggested that I try allergy medication for a week, but…
I Had My First PE at 16: Cassie’s Story
Cassie Sheffield and her birth family were affected by blood clots, and discovered that the family has a genetic blood clotting disorder, Antithrombin (AT) III deficiency, that carries a high risk for blood clots. Cassie not only developed multiple pulmonary emboli in her teenage years, she learned that her mother and two brothers had AT…
Initially Misdiagnosed With Asthma: Anonymous’ Story
I consider myself a healthy 47 year old woman. I exercise daily, eat healthy food choices, and am a non-smoker. In April 2011, I felt stabbing pains in my back on the right hand side under my rib cage, and the pain got worse every time I took a breath. My husband drove me to…
Diagnosed with Antithrombin III Deficiency: Harold’s Story
In October 2008, I found out that I have the thrombophilia known as Antithrombin (AT) Deficiency, and I learned it the hard way. I noticed that I felt slightly short of breath for two days, so I made an appointment with a cardiologist at the Minneapolis Heart Institute. I was unable to keep that appointment,…