The Staff Was Unable to Restart His Heart: Joel’s Story
As told by his brother, Brandon. My brother Joel was sick with the flu for a couple of days at Marietta College where he was a freshman linebacker on the football team and a petroleum engineering major. He woke up one morning and told my mother by phone he was having difficulty breathing. No one…
I Had Never Heard of DVT/PE: Greg’s Story
As a former professional baseball pitcher, I have always been active. I continued my workouts over the years and tried to stay healthy. But my pride as an athlete in pushing through pain goes way back to my playing days. I even pitched seven innings with a fractured leg before I knew it was injured.…
Make Your Health a Priority: Matt’s Story
I had my first deep vein thrombosis when I was 18. I was training for the military and was very active, doing lots of weightlifting and running. One day, I had extreme pain and swelling in my groin and right leg. Even with those symptoms, I was stubborn and waited four days before getting it…
I Have No Idea How Anyone Could Get Through This Alone: Chris’ Story
I am a trail runner, CrossFitter, MMA/jiu jitsu player, and mountaineer. I trained hard, ate clean, and slept enough so that I could maximize both my performance and longevity. I was a hybrid athlete balancing strength and endurance. Then I twisted my knee at jiu jitsu camp. I needed a meniscus repair, which caused massive…
After a Blood Clot, Life Has Updated Rules: Jeff’s Story
About nine months ago, I was diagnosed with a DVT from my upper thigh down to my calf. The diagnosis was lupus anticoagulant, an auto immune disorder that requires me to be on blood thinners for life. I am an avid cyclist, doing up to 100 miles per week. At first my hematologist told me…
I Truly Felt This Was It: Kylie’s Story
In February 2023, I went to the ER with abdominal pain I couldn’t explain. After four days in step-down ICU, 30+ labs, two CT scans, three ultrasounds, a chest X-ray, and an echocardiogram, doctors told me I had blood clots, which compromised my blood flow and caused splenic infarcts. After a consult with my hematologist,…
I Was Told I Was Too Young for Blood Clots: Audrey’s Story
At 20 years old, I was healthy, fit, active, and recovering from an ACL tear from a year and a half prior. When I finally went in for reconstructive surgery on June 19, 2020, it was at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, already a very stressful time. I was aware that I had a…
My Neighbor Found Me and Performed CPR: Jessica’s Story
My husband and I are both ultra runners. On June 27 of this year, we were both going for an early morning training run with him starting about five minutes behind me. I had been experiencing shortness of breath for a few weeks before this run. Little things, such as bringing groceries in from the…
Finally Making Gains: Gerry’s Story
I’m a survivor of two pulmonary emboli. I’m finally making gains to restore “normal life” after years of small gains and constant setbacks. Before my pulmonary emboli in January 2016, I was healthy and ran lots of races. I thought it was an isolated incident and I wouldn’t get another one. It’s strange how life…
Go to the Hospital Instantly If You Have DVT or PE Symptoms: Bogdan’s Story
I played soccer for 20 years until January 2023, when I had a muscle rupture in my thigh, which kept me away from training and matches. At the end of April, I had a throat infection. Within a few days, I was experiencing shortness of breath and felt tired after taking a few steps, but…