Blood Clot Survivors Can Do Anything: Ashley’s Story
In December 2013, I joined a local gym after just moving to a new area. I spent a lot of time doing group classes and walking on the treadmill. One day while I was walking, I looked down and noticed some swelling in my lower left leg. I figured the swelling was just from the…
If You Believe You Can, You Will: John’s Story
In the fall of 2020, a near-fatal bilateral pulmonary embolism came from nowhere, cause unknown. As a 14-time marathoner and in the best shape of my life, this came as a complete shock. Following my diagnosis, I was put on blood thinners. As an athlete, adjusting to the blood thinners was a challenge. I was…
My Youngest Son Saved my Life: Renee’s Story
December 19, 2019, will always be a day I remember. Three weeks prior to that day, I noticed calf pain in my left leg that would come and go. I chalked it up to a running injury. I was in the best shape of my life, running 20 miles a week and attending fitness classes…
I Was Diagnosed with a DVT and IVCT: Sam’s Story
I am 28 years old and fairly active. I go to Crossfit five times a week. Blood clots were never on my radar screen. But on May 1, 2020, as I was walking to my car, I was overcome by dizziness and lightheadedness as I have never experienced before. I was also fatigued from walking…
I Had the Perfect Storm of Risk Factors: Aimee’s Story
I was the most fit I had ever been when I had my deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary emboli (PE) at 28 years old. I ran marathons, competed in triathlons, and had just recently completed my first 100-mile bike race. After my bike race, I was struggling to recover. My legs felt heavy. My…
I Was Supposed to be Fit and Healthy: Jen’s Story
On a Sunday evening in February, I got into bed and noticed I had a headache on the right side of my head. I felt pressure in my ear and thought I might have an ear infection. I couldn’t sleep much, but I got up on Monday and went into university assuming it would settle.…
Do Not Take Your Good Health for Granted: Ardith’s Story
When my symptoms started, I was 34 years old, a bride-to-be and an avid runner. In fact, I was going to run a half-marathon the week before my wedding. Training had been going well, but as race day approached, I noticed I was feeling unusually tired. To save energy for the wedding, I skipped the…
Climbing to New Heights: Wes’ Story
In February of 2017, a friend challenged me to climb Mount St. Helens in August. At the time, I figured this was an easily attainable goal and we signed up. April came and I noticed some soreness in my right calf. During my lunch breaks I would climb the stairwell at work (16 floors), and…
Being Your Own Advocate Could Save Your Life: Tiffany’s Story
For my college graduation trip, I went to Hawaii with my family. After our red eye flight back to LAX, I got up out of my seat and had severe calf pain in my left leg. I attributed it to running and didn’t think much of it. The next day, it was still bothering me,…
Listen to Your Body and Trust Your Doctor: Dana’s Story
On the way to my 37th birthday celebration, I suffered a pulmonary embolism, or blood clot in my lung, but I chose to ignore the symptoms. As a dancer, marathoner, mountain biker, and hiker, it did not even cross my mind that something serious was happening to my body, so I ignored every symptom I…