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Birth control

It’s Common to be Misdiagnosed: Molly’s Story

In late September 2023, my left calf started aching mysteriously. The pain was radiating up and down my leg so I thought maybe it was a pinched nerve. It was getting hard to walk, so I did an online urgent care visit. I was diagnosed with muscle strain and told to wrap it, take ibuprofen…

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Stay Resilient, Listen to Your Body and Advocate for Yourself: Lauren’s Story

In the fall of 2023, I was a healthy 21-year-old college senior busy with graduate school applications and interviews. I was working out multiple days a week and going to class, trying to enjoy my last year of college. One night, I went bowling for the first time in a while and woke up the…

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I Developed PTSD From This Experience: Autumn’s Story

In September 2024, I went on FMLA and short-term disability due to severe pain in my leg that was assumed to be a hamstring and calf cramp issue. Less than two months later, on Nov. 14, 2024, I had the biggest scare of my life. I woke up that morning and went to let my…

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If Something Feels Off, Get It Checked Out: Emily’s Story

When I went in for hip surgery to repair my labrum — a ring of cartilage in the hip that stabilizes and cushions the hip joint — I was excited. After two years of limited mobility, I couldn’t wait to get back to the active lifestyle I loved. I’d likely injured myself training for triathlons,…

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Never Let Embarrassment Stop You From Getting Help: Briar’s Story

I am a healthy 23-year-old woman and had never experienced any real health concerns. I walk the same route every morning to work, but on this particular morning, I was out of breath almost instantly. When I sat at my desk, I was still unable to catch my breath. It felt like the air was…

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My Pain Was Ignored For Almost a Year: Caitlin’s Story

I was diagnosed with my clot in February 2022 after a period of immobility recovering from a torn hamstring. I was unaware of any underlying health conditions, and the blood clot was seemingly out of nowhere. The medical professionals where I was living at the time placed me on blood thinners and left me to…

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I Took Estrogen-Based Birth Control For More Than 20 Years: Megan’s Story

I am a healthy 44-year-old mom, wife, and professional who has never had any health issues. But 2024 was an extremely busy year, and I was having a lot of stress and anxiety. In October, I started experiencing some minor pain in my shoulder. Within a few days, the pain had moved into my side…

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Another Minute of Waiting Could Have Killed Me: Paige’s Story

A week before everything took a drastic turn, I had fallen and broken my foot. I was placed in a boot and told to rest. A few days later, I noticed the back of my knee hurting. Not just a regular ache, but one that felt like a cramp and the pain meds didn’t touch…

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A Wakeup Call at 26: Meghan’s Story

One morning I was feeling lightheaded, so I checked my running watch and saw my heart rate was in the low 40s. I assumed I’d just stood up too quickly. As the day went on, I felt some chest pressure, which I chalked up to anxiety, something I often experience with POTS. But the pressure…

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Today, I’m Blessed to Have My Health: Kimberly’s Story

I started having superficial clots (SVTs) in the early 1990s, which was attributed to birth control. Genetic testing was not available at that time. I joined a list serve (email group) to learn more. Fifteen years later, with occasional SVTs and genetic testing now available, I was diagnosed with one factor V Leiden gene (heterozygous).…

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