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Birth control

There’s A Reason I’m Still Here: Barbara’s Story

I am a 2x pulmonary embolism survivor. My first one was in July 2013. I had traveled out of the country, come home, and traveled for my daughter’s soccer games. I was on birth control and overweight. We got home from a weekend tournament, and when I went to stand up, it felt like I…

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I Have to Take Things Slow Now: Reachelle’s Story

I was six months in my new job as an attorney when I felt pain in my ribs and shortness of breath. I went to urgent care and was rushed to the ER after my D-Dimer blood test came back high. At the hospital, they did a CT scan and found the blood clots in…

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My Symptoms Were Misdiagnosed as Anxiety: Tamara’s Story

I had knee surgery and was six weeks post-op, so I had no worries about clots. I was also on birth control, though. I stretched one night and felt excruciating pain in my left rib. I could barely move. I managed to get to a hospital and was told it was costochondritis — inflammation of…

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Make Sure You Ask Questions Before Ingesting Prescribed Medications: Riddhi’s Story

I suffer from severe polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and irregular cycles. My doctor prescribed birth control pills to regulate my cycle back in December 2021. I often felt cramps in my left leg, but I attributed them to dehydration or fatigue, given that I was a 20-year-old college student at the time. However, after my…

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Life is a Gift and it’s Fragile: Cara’s Story

I was in my early 30s and enjoying life as a new mom, but I had been having a rough time for nine weeks, experiencing severe headaches and aphasia. I was worked up by a neurologist thoroughly and had all kinds of tests and scans — an MRI, MRA, an EEG — and everything was…

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Listen To Your Body: Mariah’s Story

I was 25 when I was diagnosed with deep vein thrombosis and a pulmonary embolism. When I first noticed something was abnormal I was getting off from work and I saw significant swelling in my leg below the knee to the tip of my toes. My calf was so large that my pants were too…

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This Experience Helped Me Find My Love For Medicine: Zoe’s Story

Three days after my 18th birthday, I experienced severe swelling in my left leg. I assumed I pulled a muscle as I went ice skating on my birthday, but that soon changed. I went to school as normal and my teachers and friends noticed that my leg was purple and three times the size of…

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Paramedics Assumed It Was Anxiety: Christina’s Story

As told by her mother, Darla My daughter, Christina, suffered a broken foot on January 6, 2015, just two weeks after her 30th birthday. The podiatrist put her in a walking boot and gave no restrictions. Christina then developed calf pain and went to the ER on January 10, 2015. The ER sent her home…

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Do Not Ignore Anything, Even if You Feel Like it’s Nothing: Eilidh’s Story

A few days before my collapse, I felt a little out of breath when moving around. However, I had just got back from travelling around Thailand and I also had a sore throat, so I assumed I was just a little run down. I was wrong. On March 22, 2023, I walked down the stairs…

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My Mental Health Has Suffered More Than My Physical Health: Denise’s Story

In May of 2019, I began experiencing a dry cough. It continued to progress to the point where I could no longer hold a conversation without coughing every four words or so. I went to a family doctor who brushed it off as adult-onset asthma and allergies, gave me a chest X-ray, and sent me…

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