Birth control
Having a Blood Clot Will Not Slow Me Down: Barbara’s Story
In August 2023, I had my second bunionectomy. The first was in 2015 with no complications. This time would prove differently. Preparing for surgery, I was advised by the surgical team to curtail my activities in the following days. After surgery, I adhered to the instructions. I elevated my leg often and limited going up…
I Received the Diagnosis of Chronic Thromboembolic Disease (CTED): Christine’s Story
On June 16, 2022, I woke up early to get ready for a trip to a large car show when I noticed a sharp pain in my shoulder. Throughout the three-hour drive, I started to experience pain in my back when I breathed which lasted throughout the day. I did not experience symptoms the following…
Healing Physically Was the Easy Part: Chloe’s Story
In 2016, when I was a sophomore in high school, I started having trouble breathing. My primary care doctor couldn’t figure out what was going on. I kept getting worse until my mom finally requested a specialist. They saw that my pulmonary pressures were through the roof and they wouldn’t let me go home. After…
This is the Scariest Thing I’ve Ever Been Through: Rakeisha’s Story
My gynecologist put me on a contraceptive ring and I wasn’t even on it a full 30 days before it almost killed me. On May 17, 2024, I woke up, couldn’t breathe, and could barely take two steps without almost passing out! I went to the ER around 9 a.m., I explained my symptoms, and…
This Diagnosis Was Shocking: Lacey’s Story
At the end of June, I began experiencing symptoms that I initially attributed to a chest cold. Since I could still carry out my regular activities, like exercising and working, I didn’t pay much attention. However, after about a week, my condition worsened, leading to severe pain when I inhaled and difficulty breathing. The persistent…
My Experiences with DVTs and PEs have Changed my Life: Hannah’s Story
On September 8, 2021, when I was 24, I had an emergency appendectomy. Four days later, I went into the ER for extreme calf pain and tightness in my chest, as it felt like I couldn’t get a full breath. I was diagnosed with DVTs in my left leg and bilateral lower lobe pulmonary emboli.…
My Only Risk Factors Were Birth Control and a Long Car Ride: Hillary’s Story
My husband and took a trip to Destin, Florida for a long weekend after finding out my breast biopsy surgery was benign. We drove 14 hours in one day from Michigan and returned a few days later, only stopping twice for gas. I returned to work and walked to my office up two flights of…
Doctors Will Gaslight You Into Believing You’re Crazy: Kourtney’s Story
I was diagnosed with a DVT and bilateral pulmonary embolism on April 10, 2024. I underwent a biopsy for a uterine cyst in November 2023 and subsequently had my menstrual period for almost 30 days. My gynecologist prescribed me birth control to stop my period. From mid-January until April, I was taking four birth control…
I Convinced Myself It Would Never Happen to Me: Kristin’s Story
When I was just a few months shy of turning 24, I traveled to Mexico, which included a four-hour drive to the airport and four-hour flight. Once I returned, I got sick with a gastrointestinal bug and was off work for three days. The night before I returned to work, I had some chest pain…
My Diagnosis Shook Me: Courtney’s Story
I am a healthy 30-year-old woman. Or at least I thought I was. This summer, I was getting my 1-year-old ready for the day. I lifted him onto the changing table and started to feel light headed. I grabbed him and put him on the floor and sat down to catch my breath, but I…