Birth control
Fight For Yourself: Allison’s Story
On October 7, 2020, a vein burst in my leg. At the ER, they ran no tests. They told me the vein looked like cellulitis, a bacterial skin infection, and sent me home with an antibiotic. They said if the red area got bigger, I should come back. I went back on the 11th and…
Blood Clots Developed After Surgery: Tonya’s Story
In February 2018, three days after emergency surgery to remove my gallbladder, I had a really bad pain in my right calf and was having difficulty breathing. So, I went to the emergency room, and I was diagnosed with deep vein thrombosis (DVT), or a blood clot in the right leg, and bilateral pulmonary embolism…
I Got Extremely Lucky: Kelly’s Story
On Halloween 2021, I noticed that my thigh was sore and I was out of breath. I figured it was just a pulled muscle and allergies or a cold coming on. Walking into work the next morning, I was so out of breath that I fainted. I had fainted in the past, so I just…
I Truly Felt This Was It: Kylie’s Story
In February 2023, I went to the ER with abdominal pain I couldn’t explain. After four days in step-down ICU, 30+ labs, two CT scans, three ultrasounds, a chest X-ray, and an echocardiogram, doctors told me I had blood clots, which compromised my blood flow and caused splenic infarcts. After a consult with my hematologist,…
My Neighbor Found Me and Performed CPR: Jessica’s Story
My husband and I are both ultra runners. On June 27 of this year, we were both going for an early morning training run with him starting about five minutes behind me. I had been experiencing shortness of breath for a few weeks before this run. Little things, such as bringing groceries in from the…
I Live With the Pain of Taking Deep Breaths: Celeste’s Story
In April 2020, I had been feeling sick and brushed it off as allergies. Due to COVID, I had a telehealth visit and was diagnosed with bronchitis. After four months of a lingering cough, I started to have a hard time breathing while doing the most menial things. Standing became so trying. I finally went…
Recovery is Not Linear: Desiree’s Story
In April 2021, I was diagnosed with a cerebral venous sinus thrombosis. I was fortunate enough to have been diagnosed quickly following three days of headache, nausea, and vomiting. My risk factor was estrogen based oral contraceptives. This diagnosis has taken a physical and emotional toll, but I am thankful for where I am. I…
My Only Risk Factor was an Estrogen-Based Birth Control Patch: Stacy’s Story
On May 22, 2022, I woke up and had breakfast with my family. As I was getting ready for my day, I felt dizzy and weak, then I fainted. When I woke up, I projectile vomited. I eventually made it to the shower. When I got out, I was still feeling weak and dizzy. The…
I Heard the Doctor Say my Outlook Wasn’t Great: Morgan’s Story
In March 2019, I was recovering from a broken ankle when I began experiencing odd, unfamiliar symptoms, like shortness of breath and back pain. I thought it was anxiety. My husband picked me up from work one day, and the second I got in his car, I couldn’t breathe, then I passed out. When he…
The Hematologist Told Me to Buy a Lottery Ticket For How Lucky I’d Been: McKenna’s Story
In the summer of 2021, I started to experience extreme back pain. At times, I was unable to sit down or move at all. Being an active 20-year-old who grew up playing sports, I attributed my pain to a tweak that I just needed to stretch out. But the pain continued getting worse, and my…