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I’m Happy to Be Alive: Lizzie’s Story

In September 2022, I underwent a foam sclerotherapy on the great saphenous vein in my left leg to treat a varicose vein. This is a minimally-invasive, non-surgical procedure that involves injecting a foam mixture into varicose veins to treat underlying vein conditions. At the time, I was unknowingly Covid positive for the second time in…

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I’m Proud of How Far I’ve Come: Juliana’s Story

Less than two days after giving birth to her first baby, my aunt died of blood clots in her lungs and heart. I was 13 at the time and the news shocked the whole family. Two weeks after her funeral, I had some strange leg pain. I thought I had pulled a muscle or injured…

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I Now Live My Life to the Fullest Every Day: Meghan’s Story

In April 2022, I was a normal 18-year-old preparing for graduation and college. My world would soon flip when I was diagnosed with a DVT that went from my hip to ankle. I was an active high schooler. I was a part of the varsity cheer team and marching band. When the pain in my…

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I’m Grateful for the Insightful Urgent Care Provider Who Saved My Life: Mary’s Story

I had lower right leg pain for more than a month. I finally went to urgent care in October 2022. I described the pain as a pinging inside my leg and I thought it was a stress fracture. The provider asked a few questions about medications. I told her I took tamoxifen to reduce a…

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This Was a Terrifying, Life-Altering, and Isolating Experience: Logan’s Story

I was home from college on winter break when I started feeling a cramp in my leg after working out at the gym. I thought I may have pulled a muscle. I kept stretching and it felt like it was never going away. The pain ended up moving all the way up to my lower…

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Three DVTs in Two Decades: Heather’s Story

I’m 43. My first DVT experience was at 19 years old while in college. Long story short, I was sent home by two different doctors over two months even though my leg was in excruciating pain and eventually could barely walk. The third doctor knew what was wrong with me within minutes and sent me…

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I Spent 18 Months on Supplemental Oxygen: Maresa’s Story

I had been having what I considered typical cold symptoms for about a month. Ongoing negative COVID tests gave little clarity. The doctors initially diagnosed me with a sinus infection then and pneumonia when the symptoms didn’t subside. I woke up Valentines Day 2022 with total numbness on my right side. I could not make…

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I’ll Never Ignore My Body Again: Chrissy’s Story

At 35 weeks pregnant, I had a feeling that something was severely wrong. While cooking Father’s Day breakfast for my husband, I felt like I couldn’t breathe. I called my OB and was told to come into triage for monitoring. I was admitted, but my oxygen levels were perfect, and my EKG was pristine. I…

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No One Should Have to Bury Their Child: Brianne’s Story

As told by her mother Nancy My world changed in 2014 when my 22-year-old daughter Brianne died in my arms. I was in so much shock that she passed away. She had leg pain, then trouble breathing, and I just couldn’t figure out what was wrong. I didn’t know why until the medical examiner conducted…

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My Doctor Laughed At Me: Charmaine’s Story

I was involved in a motorbike accident on August 9, 2023, and had an injury to my left leg. I suffered severe pain but had to go to work. After struggling to walk, I went back to my doctor. He recommended bed rest for about five days. I asked him to admit me to the…

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