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Blood Thinners Need to be Available at a Lower Cost: Lydia’s Story

I had my first child in 1989 by C-section. Four weeks later, my left leg was hurting so badly that I could hardly walk. I went to the hospital and was told I had a blood clot in my left leg (DVT) and had to stay in the hospital for one month. This was hard…

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I Knew Something Was Off: Sara’s Story

I ran my first marathon in April 2024 and eagerly began training for my second one. I quickly noticed that training was a lot more challenging than usual. I chalked discomfort in my shoulder up to lifting heavy weights in the gym and chest pain up to my sports bras being too tight. My heart…

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Diagnosed With Five DVTs After a Scooter Accident: Xio’s Story

In March 2011, I had a C-section and developed a superficial clot in my left leg, My treatment was compression socks and I felt better after a week. Years later, on March 30, 2024, I had a fall from an electric scooter. All my weight fell on my left leg, but somehow, I got up…

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My Doctor Dismissed My Leg Pain as Sciatica: Ashley’s Story

At 31 weeks pregnant, I was getting ready for the arrival of my baby when I started experiencing extreme pain in my left leg. I remember going to my baby shower and barely being able to walk. This was very concerning, so the next day, I called my OB/GYN and explained my symptoms. Unfortunately, she…

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Stay Resilient, Listen to Your Body and Advocate for Yourself: Lauren’s Story

In the fall of 2023, I was a healthy 21-year-old college senior busy with graduate school applications and interviews. I was working out multiple days a week and going to class, trying to enjoy my last year of college. One night, I went bowling for the first time in a while and woke up the…

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Use This As Your Reason to Live: Tilly’s Story

It began with excruciating back pain and shooting pains up my left leg. I felt unable to walk. The week that I noticed my first symptoms, I was back and forth to urgent care and the doctors. They kept saying the same thing, “You have nerve damage” (sciatica). They gave me painkillers and told me…

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We Must Be Advocates for Ourselves and Our Family Members: Marcus’ and Shannon’s Story

As told by his daughter, Shannon In April 2024, my father, a retired police lieutenant, was diagnosed with duodenal cancer. He was unable to have the tumor removed and was undergoing chemotherapy. In late August 2024, he started complaining about being dizzy and lightheaded. He went to his primary care provider who told him that…

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I Developed PTSD From This Experience: Autumn’s Story

In September 2024, I went on FMLA and short-term disability due to severe pain in my leg that was assumed to be a hamstring and calf cramp issue. Less than two months later, on Nov. 14, 2024, I had the biggest scare of my life. I woke up that morning and went to let my…

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I Dealt With Pain and Swelling For Five Years: LaVon’s Story

After leaving the gym in 2017, I experienced the worst pain imaginable in my right leg without having an injury. I thought maybe the pain would leave after icing and elevating it. But, as the day went on, the pain and swelling worsened to the point I couldn’t stand or walk on it. I went…

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I’m Grateful For My Team of Doctors and My Dog Kiko for Saving My Life: Esmaralda’s Story

I had my first DVT and PE almost five years ago at 21 years old. My leg was hurting, but I kept ignoring it. When my dog Kiko started sniffing my leg and whining, I felt that something was wrong because that was unusual behavior for him. I went to urgent care, and they sent…

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