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I Survived the Clot: Macie’s Story

My name is Macie Baker, and three years ago, at the age of just 15, I experienced a deep vein thrombosis (DVT or blood clot in the leg). Today, I’m 18, and I have post-thrombotic syndrome. I had no idea that my life would change forever on June 11, 2013. That day, my life changed…

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It’s Like Having Sunburn Inside My Leg: Kerrianne’s Story

I want to share my story because, most importantly, it was as a result of reading patient stories on the National Blood Clot Alliance website that I went to get checked and was diagnosed with a deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in my left calf. Let me tell you a little bit more about me. I am…

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You are Stronger than You Think: Nicole’s Story

I love to travel. I grew up in Boston, and after college I moved to Washington, DC. Moving away from home and my family was the hardest decision I’ve ever made, but one of the most rewarding as well. By taking this leap of faith, I grew so much as a person and traveled to…

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A Clot at 19 Years Old: Ashley’s Story

As any teenager does, I struggled with the insecurities of acne. After exhausting many acne clearing options, I decided to see my doctor about it. When I went to see my doctor, I brought up the fact that I knew other girls who were on birth control for their acne and I wanted to try the…

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My Saving Grace: De’Shawn’s Story

As I look back on my blood clot experience, my symptoms started in mid-July, when I had a sharp pain in my right calf. I recall asking my aunt, a former nurse, “How do you know when you have a blood clot?” I dismissed the pain I was experiencing as due to a recent increase in…

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Staying Positive Despite Numerous Blood Clots: Martin’s Story

My name is Martin R. Lemieux, and for over 20 years now I’ve survived five DVTs – blood clots in my left leg, one clot in my right leg, and another clot in my left pelvic area. As if that wasn’t enough, I’ve also had to manage three massive chronic wounds that will not heal.…

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Blood Clots Changed Our Lives: Corey’s Story, As Told By His Mother

My name is Tammy Capman and I would like to share a story about my son, Corey Capman. He is 17 years old and his story changed our lives in August 2014. Corey is a typical teenage boy. He has school, sports, friends, etc. He is outgoing and confident with goals for his future. Corey…

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A DVT in My Arm Changed My Life: Hailey’s Story

My name is Hailey Rutherford and I am a 23 years old. My story is complicated. I was married last year on February 7 and experienced a lot of life changes. One of those changes was being put on birth control pills. Due to irregular menstrual bleeding, I was switched to a stronger dosage pill. On…

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Changing My Outlook on Life: Natalie’s Story

On January 25, 2016, I found out I had a blood clot after going to a follow-up doctor’s appointment. Ten days prior, I had cosmetic surgery and was advised that developing a blood clot was possible, but I never thought it would happen to me. Two days after surgery, I noticed my left leg was swelling…

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Blood Clots Can Happen to Anyone: Tamara’s Story

In January 2015, I was diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and started estrogen-based birth control. Two months later, I married an active duty Marine and moved from Georgia to Virginia. Around that time, I started getting severe charley horse pains in my right leg that caused me to cry. I thought maybe I was…

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