Factor II
My Risk Factors Were a Perfect Storm: Presley’s Story
On March 31, 2023, while playing high school softball, an opposing player slid into me, breaking my tibia and fibula. I was taken to a nearby hospital via ambulance where I underwent surgery the next morning. My leg had some swelling over the next couple of months, but it was never bothersome until June 8.…
Stay Positive and Keep Pushing Through This: Elizabeth’s Story
I fully tore my ACL and partially tore my MCL and meniscus in March of 2024 playing volleyball. I first started developing blood clots in mid-April 2024 before my knee surgery. I started feeling nauseas, but ignored it, thinking it was from my menstrual cycle. The signs started coming one after the other: purple discoloration…
Trust Your Instincts and Advocate For Your Loved Ones: Christian and Leah’s Story
On January 19, 2024, I received a call from my 13-year-old son, Christian. He was struggling to breathe. He’d been unwell for weeks, starting with an unknown virus that had progressed to pneumonia. Just the day before, he was diagnosed and treated in an ER. We took him back, assuming his breathing issues were a…
My Pain Was Ignored For Almost a Year: Caitlin’s Story
I was diagnosed with my clot in February 2022 after a period of immobility recovering from a torn hamstring. I was unaware of any underlying health conditions, and the blood clot was seemingly out of nowhere. The medical professionals where I was living at the time placed me on blood thinners and left me to…
I Experienced DVTs on Three Occasions: Joanna’s Story
My first DVT was in July 1995, two weeks after the birth of my first (and only) child. I had a shooting pain in my left buttocks and rode an ambulance to the hospital with my newborn and husband. The ER docs did not seem to consider the possibility of a DVT and were looking…
Having a Blood Clot Will Not Slow Me Down: Barbara’s Story
In August 2023, I had my second bunionectomy. The first was in 2015 with no complications. This time would prove differently. Preparing for surgery, I was advised by the surgical team to curtail my activities in the following days. After surgery, I adhered to the instructions. I elevated my leg often and limited going up…
My Clot Started 10 Years Before It Was Found: Jana’s Story
In December 2022, I had the worst pain in my life in my left side of my buttocks after working out. Being a physical therapist and a retired high-level figure skater, I assumed I had strained a muscle until I was unable to walk or bear weight on my left leg. After three ER visits…
I Experienced PTSD: Frances’ Story
I had an appointment with my PCP on October 5, 2019 for shortness of breath. I could barely walk to my car from his office door. My lower legs were hurting. I was 56 and on no medications. He referred me to a cardiologist. The following day, after my morning coffee, I could hardly walk.…
They Couldn’t Figure Out What Was Wrong: Shantelle’s Story
When I was 20, I had some pain in my leg. I chalked it up to a pulled muscle. In the next few days, it seemed to get worse. My mom convinced me to go to the hospital, but they told me I was constipated and sent me home. The pain continued to get worse…
The PCP Who Dismissed My Concerns Was Dismissed By Me: Kay’s Story
After having provoked blood clots from hip surgery (the symptoms I experienced included leg pain, shortness of breath, and chest pain) I asked my primary care physician if she would order bloodwork to determine if I have a clotting disorder. I was detailing my family members with similar issues: my mother had an unprovoked pulmonary…