Factor V Leiden
We Need More Voices, But Too Many of Us Aren’t Lucky Enough to Share Our Stories: Kyra’s Story
When I gave birth to my son, I was so excited to be a parent. But I began having headaches that were not normal. In the hospital, I was given medication to clot my blood because of slightly more than average blood loss. I was also given extra blood pressure checks because my blood pressure…
Never Let Embarrassment Stop You From Getting Help: Briar’s Story
I am a healthy 23-year-old woman and had never experienced any real health concerns. I walk the same route every morning to work, but on this particular morning, I was out of breath almost instantly. When I sat at my desk, I was still unable to catch my breath. It felt like the air was…
I’m Grateful For My Team of Doctors and My Dog Kiko for Saving My Life: Esmaralda’s Story
I had my first DVT and PE almost five years ago at 21 years old. My leg was hurting, but I kept ignoring it. When my dog Kiko started sniffing my leg and whining, I felt that something was wrong because that was unusual behavior for him. I went to urgent care, and they sent…
Trust Your Instincts and Advocate For Your Loved Ones: Christian and Leah’s Story
On January 19, 2024, I received a call from my 13-year-old son, Christian. He was struggling to breathe. He’d been unwell for weeks, starting with an unknown virus that had progressed to pneumonia. Just the day before, he was diagnosed and treated in an ER. We took him back, assuming his breathing issues were a…
Today, I’m Blessed to Have My Health: Kimberly’s Story
I started having superficial clots (SVTs) in the early 1990s, which was attributed to birth control. Genetic testing was not available at that time. I joined a list serve (email group) to learn more. Fifteen years later, with occasional SVTs and genetic testing now available, I was diagnosed with one factor V Leiden gene (heterozygous).…
I Was Diagnosed With MVT and PVT: James’ Story
I began having a belly ache on Friday, August 3, 2012. I was unable to use the restroom. The only relief I got was laying in hot water in the bathtub. I did this every half hour or so. It continued to worsen, and by Sunday, August 5, it was almost unbearable. Finally, my wife…
It’s an Ongoing Battle to Stay Well and Manage This Life Condition: Callum’s Story
At 29, I considered myself to be fit and almost indestructible. I don’t smoke, I don’t drink and I have a myriad of athletic accomplishments. I’ve run multiple marathons, I’m at a healthy weight, and I train in the gym regularly. All of the above left me feeling completely lost when I started to experience…
I Credit My PT and Orthopedic Clinic for Their Action: Molly’s Story
I hurt my knee, and after 10 months of physical therapy, I found myself having a meniscus repair surgery. Post-surgery, I was in physical therapy again. About six weeks after surgery, I noticed more swelling, which I attributed to being at work for some very long days and not having time to walk around as…
I Refuse to Be a Victim: Mickey’s Story
After returning home from a weekend of skiing in Breckenridge, Colorado, I woke up with low back pain and pain in my chest on a Monday morning. I didn’t think much of it because it was normal for me to be sore after exercise, and I’ve always struggled with exercise-induced asthma as a lifelong Colorado…
Factor V Leiden Runs In My Family: Abby’s Story
When I was a child, my brother and I were tested for factor V Leiden after my father had a clot that traveled to his lungs (PE) and was diagnosed with the factor V disorder. The test came back normal for both me and my brother. About 10 years later, I was 22, working my…