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Factor V Leiden

I Had Two DVTs: Lotus’s Story

I noticed that I had severe cramping in my right calf in 2003, and ended up in the hospital for a deep vein thrombosis (DVT).  The birth control pills I was taking then were the likely culprit, and I know now at age 51 to avoid hormone based birth control or replacement therapy in the…

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Adjusting to the New Normal: Desirre’s Story

My family and I had just returned from a ski trip to New Mexico in January 2009, and it was one of those marathon trips where we drove straight through for 11 hours. My legs felt heavy during the trip, and even though we did not make a lot of stops, I kept moving them…

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I Couldn’t Catch My Breath: Kim’s Story

My name is Kim Gronholz.  I am a 38 year old married mother of 3, an exercise addict, a former high school English teacher, a school/church volunteer, a stay-at-home mom, and most pertinently, a DVT/PE survivor! My husband and I had just returned home from a 5 day business/pleasure trip to Canada on a Sunday…

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I Was Told My Leg Might Need to be Amputated: Velton’s Story

In October of 1993, when I was 47, my left leg started swelling from my hip to my toes and I started experiencing trouble breathing. My leg felt so tight, that I couldn’t  bend my knee, so I contacted an orthopedic practice who then referred me to an internal medicine physician, Dr. D. Dr. D.…

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Factor V Leiden and Birth Control: Jessica’s Story

Today was a cool, brisk November day, and I decided to go visit Jessies’ Garden. I climbed from my car and walked the short distance to the spot where our journey ended two and a half years ago. We brought her here to her final resting-place while the bagpipes she loved played Amazing Grace. I…

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