Factor V Leiden
This Experience Helped Me Find My Love For Medicine: Zoe’s Story
Three days after my 18th birthday, I experienced severe swelling in my left leg. I assumed I pulled a muscle as I went ice skating on my birthday, but that soon changed. I went to school as normal and my teachers and friends noticed that my leg was purple and three times the size of…
The Staff Was Unable to Restart His Heart: Joel’s Story
As told by his brother, Brandon. My brother Joel was sick with the flu for a couple of days at Marietta College where he was a freshman linebacker on the football team and a petroleum engineering major. He woke up one morning and told my mother by phone he was having difficulty breathing. No one…
The ER Sent Me Home With No Answers: Emily’s Story
When I was 34 weeks pregnant and 25 years old, I started experiencing pain in my left calf. Being a nurse, I started to question when I should be concerned about the pain. I reached out to my obstetrician and was advised to drink more water and walk more often. The following weekend, I traveled…
IVs Have Provoked All of My Blood Clots: Jillian’s Story
In February 2019, I had surgery to remove a benign bone tumor in my sacrum, a triangular bone that connects the spine to the pelvis. An IV was placed in my right arm prior to the procedure, but I noticed they had switched the IV site to my left arm when I woke up from…
Make Your Health a Priority: Matt’s Story
I had my first deep vein thrombosis when I was 18. I was training for the military and was very active, doing lots of weightlifting and running. One day, I had extreme pain and swelling in my groin and right leg. Even with those symptoms, I was stubborn and waited four days before getting it…
My Life Is Not the Same: Lisa’s Story
I remember how excited I was. I was five months pregnant with my son. I had just started feeling him kick and move and I was busy planning the nursery, clothes, pictures, and working. When I left work on a Friday, my left leg was heavy and I was dragging it. Over the weekend my…
I Collapsed In Front of My Wife: Steve’s Story
We had been traveling throughout the Great Smoky Mountains looking for our forever home. We got back home to Florida, and on Sept. 3, 2020 at 10 p.m. I walked less than 100 feet to put the garbage on the curb. I looked up at the night stars and thought about how God did such…
I Live With the Pain of Taking Deep Breaths: Celeste’s Story
In April 2020, I had been feeling sick and brushed it off as allergies. Due to COVID, I had a telehealth visit and was diagnosed with bronchitis. After four months of a lingering cough, I started to have a hard time breathing while doing the most menial things. Standing became so trying. I finally went…
I Had No Idea That the Pain in my Knee Was a Warning Sign: Mark’s Story
About a week after having an arthroscopy on my left knee, I was icing the top of the knee and commented to my wife that I really should be icing the back of my knee. What I did not know at the time was that the back of the knee hurt because I was passing…
Blood Clots in the Arm are Rare, But I Had One: Kiersten’s Story
About 15 years ago, my dad had a blood clot in his leg (deep vein thrombosis) and testing showed he had factor V Leiden. Since it’s a genetic disorder, my two sisters and I got tested. I tested positive for factor V Leiden as well as one of my sisters and one did not. So,…