Factor V Leiden
Family Members Across Several Generations Are Also Factor V Leiden-Positive: Wendy’s Story
I came home from work one summer day and complained to my husband about my legs aching badly. I asked him to rub my feet to help relieve the pain. As he stood in front of me, he asked if I had even looked down at my legs because my left leg was unusually red…
Having a Blood Clot Taught Me to Seize the Day: Molly’s Story
I had been having pain while breathing and shortness of breath for a few weeks. I couldn’t speak full sentences without gasping for air, and I had been ignoring this and the pain because I didn’t feel like I had time to be sick. I tried to rationalize it as a pulled muscle or humid…
I’ve Never Been So Panicked in My Life: Adam’s Story
I had just gotten over a cold where I was laid up in bed for a few days, so I went for a run to get back on the exercise train. Shortly into my run, I felt an odd pain in my chest and decided to cut it short. The pain worsened over the next…
I’m Very Grateful for my Blood Clots: Erica’s Story
I woke up one morning with a slight twinge in my left side. I didn’t think much of it, though. I took some Advil and continued on with my day. Despite my discomfort, I went on a hike with my boyfriend. After we got back, my side was bothering me a bit more. I figured…
Everyone Told Me to ‘Eat a Banana and Shake it Off’: Vanessa’s Story
I was standing at the car wash waiting for my car when I experienced an extreme charley horse in my left calf. The pain was so intense that it knocked the wind right out of me. For five days, I pushed through the pain, continuing to go to work, massaging my leg, and putting cold…
I Was Fortunate to Have Survived This: Joe’s Story
In June 2017, I noticed a pain in my left calf. I had been walking several days a week, so I thought I may have pulled a muscle. I spent time trying to stretch it out over the next week, but it persistently got worse. The pain I had been having in my calf then…
A Blood Clot is Nothing to Mess Around With: Marshall’s Story
Last July, I was told I have factor V Leiden. I was unfamiliar with this, but my doctor said I didn’t need to do or take anything for it, so went about my life. Less than a year later, I was having a lot of pain in my left leg and thought maybe I had…
I Thought I Was Having a Heart Attack While Holding My Newborn: Megan’s Story
When I was 37 weeks pregnant with my first child, I began experiencing a painful, pressurized cramping sensation in my upper thigh that was dismissed by three different OB/GYNs during my weekly appointments. They assured me it was just the baby putting pressure on nerves and ligaments in my pelvis. However, at 17 days post-delivery…
If Your Symptoms Persist, Get Another Opinion: Lauren’s Story
In September 2007, I had just started my freshman year of college. I had gotten a job at the bookstore, and on my first day, I passed out while folding T-shirts. I had never passed out before so I panicked, called my mom, and went to a local urgent care clinic. After running a few…
Don’t Ignore Calf Pain or Shortness of Breath: Scott’s Story
My dad had deep vein thrombosis (DVT) many years ago and was diagnosed with factor V Leiden. Because of this, I was tested and found to have inherited this mutation as well. Thanks, Dad. In 2019, my calf was swollen and painful. The doctor sent me to get an ultrasound. It was a DVT. After…