Family history
My Symptoms Weren’t the Typical Ones: Johanna’s Story
I am 48, a gardener, and a mum to two teenage sons, I do Pilates and had just completed Couch to 5k training. I was the fittest I’ve ever been. For a week or so, I experienced an immobilizing pain in my lower right back. I was breathless on the stairs and could only do…
The ER Doctor Immediately Assumed I Was Having a Panic Attack: Amy’s Story
One day I was hanging clothes on our clothesline outside. I bent down and suddenly felt really short of breath. After that, I was fine, but then experienced it again when walking or doing anything strenuous. Living in the South, I thought it must be seasonal allergies, but it continued to worsen. When I took…
I Was Filled With Clots: Savannah’s Story
I had my son via C-section in April 2023. During my pregnancy, doctors said my leg pain was sciatica. After having my son, I was having severe headaches, and the pain medicine I was given didn’t help. A week later, I had three seizures. After the first seizure, we went to a local hospital. They…
Make Your Health a Priority: Matt’s Story
I had my first deep vein thrombosis when I was 18. I was training for the military and was very active, doing lots of weightlifting and running. One day, I had extreme pain and swelling in my groin and right leg. Even with those symptoms, I was stubborn and waited four days before getting it…
My Life Is Not the Same: Lisa’s Story
I remember how excited I was. I was five months pregnant with my son. I had just started feeling him kick and move and I was busy planning the nursery, clothes, pictures, and working. When I left work on a Friday, my left leg was heavy and I was dragging it. Over the weekend my…
The Lifelong Implications of Blood Clots: Lisa’s Story
I was first blindsided by deep vein thrombosis after the birth of my second child in 1993. Shortly after she was born, I remember stumbling on the steps on my way upstairs after preparing a middle-of-the-night bottle. I thought I had pulled a muscle, and the growing pain in my leg didn’t alarm me. But…
I Was Told I Was Too Young for Blood Clots: Audrey’s Story
At 20 years old, I was healthy, fit, active, and recovering from an ACL tear from a year and a half prior. When I finally went in for reconstructive surgery on June 19, 2020, it was at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, already a very stressful time. I was aware that I had a…
The Doctor Didn’t Think I Would Live: Tabitha’s Story
It was one of the most exciting times! After six long weeks of wearing an air cast, I had just received news that I could get it removed. I told the doctor that my leg had been cramping, but he said it should subside once the cast was off and I moved around. Later that…
Blood Clots in the Arm are Rare, But I Had One: Kiersten’s Story
About 15 years ago, my dad had a blood clot in his leg (deep vein thrombosis) and testing showed he had factor V Leiden. Since it’s a genetic disorder, my two sisters and I got tested. I tested positive for factor V Leiden as well as one of my sisters and one did not. So,…
Water Aerobics Keeps the Swelling Down: Gus’ Story
I woke up one morning in 1978 to find that my right leg was swollen to twice its size. I called my doctor, who told me to come in immediately. He pressed his thumb into my ankle and created a ½-inch dent to show me how swollen I was and sent me to the hospital.…