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Make Doctors Take Your Concerns Seriously: Gwendolyn’s Story

As told by her daughter LaKeitha My mother passed away after experiencing difficulty breathing for a week. Despite visiting the doctor, they didn’t consider a blood clot. One night, fearing the worst, my father rushed her to the hospital. Tests on her upper body led to her admission due to ongoing breathing issues. Tragically, she…

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Know the Warning Signs: Pam’s Story

As told by her daughter, Kelly My mother was 54 when she passed away from a pulmonary embolism. She had fallen and broken her ankle while walking across our street to look for a Mother’s Day card for my grandmother. The break was a bad one, so the orthopedic surgeon suggested surgery. We all were…

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Our Family Has a Void That Will Never Be Filled: Blake’s Story

In the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving 2018, Blake was experiencing pain in his right leg, which he attributed to a pulled muscle. On Thanksgiving, he seemed to have mild cold symptoms and a slight limp. We discussed that he should go to the doctor if he didn’t feel better soon. That was the last…

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Paramedics Assumed It Was Anxiety: Christina’s Story

As told by her mother, Darla My daughter, Christina, suffered a broken foot on January 6, 2015, just two weeks after her 30th birthday. The podiatrist put her in a walking boot and gave no restrictions. Christina then developed calf pain and went to the ER on January 10, 2015. The ER sent her home…

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It’s Better to be Safe Than Sorry: Kyarra’s Story

As told by her mother Star My beautiful daughter knew she wanted to be a mom when she was in kindergarten. In May 2022, when she 23 years old, she gave birth to her daughter. Due to some medical issues, she had she ended up having an unplanned C-section. Three weeks to the day of…

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Recognize the Signs of a Blood Clot: Othello’s Story

As told by his wife Tonia. On July 20, 2017, my husband Othello died from two big blood clots in both lungs (pulmonary emboli). We went to the hospital thinking he had developed adult asthma because his oxygen was lower and he had shortness of breath. The doctor advised that Othello would have to be…

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She Had No Known Risk Factors: Shelby’s Story

As told by her mother, Noelle. My daughter passed at age 27 from a saddle pulmonary embolism on February 28, 2024. She stayed home from work with a headache. She got up after a nap, came downstairs and passed out. She came to and was clammy and sweaty. She said she was fine but we…

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The Staff Was Unable to Restart His Heart: Joel’s Story

As told by his brother, Brandon. My brother Joel was sick with the flu for a couple of days at Marietta College where he was a freshman linebacker on the football team and a petroleum engineering major. He woke up one morning and told my mother by phone he was having difficulty breathing. No one…

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This Would Not Have Happened If We Were Educated on Blood Clots: Leah’s Story

As told by her mother, Dawn. My daughter Leah was a healthy 20-year-old college student who needed a pretty extensive knee surgery in 2017. She came home from Purdue and had the surgery on May 12, 2017 so she could be ready to get back for fall semester. On June 5, 2017, she had a…

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We Lost Our Son at the Age of 20: Adam’s Story

As told by his mother, Jenifer. On Dec. 3, 2020, I took my 18-year-old son, Adam, to the ER. He had severe back and leg pain, and his leg was swollen and purple. I thought that it was a pinched nerve or maybe a kidney infection.    Doctors discovered a massive clot in his left…

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