She Had No Known Risk Factors: Shelby’s Story
As told by her mother, Noelle. My daughter passed at age 27 from a saddle pulmonary embolism on February 28, 2024. She stayed home from work with a headache. She got up after a nap, came downstairs and passed out. She came to and was clammy and sweaty. She said she was fine but we…
The Staff Was Unable to Restart His Heart: Joel’s Story
As told by his brother, Brandon. My brother Joel was sick with the flu for a couple of days at Marietta College where he was a freshman linebacker on the football team and a petroleum engineering major. He woke up one morning and told my mother by phone he was having difficulty breathing. No one…
This Would Not Have Happened If We Were Educated on Blood Clots: Leah’s Story
As told by her mother, Dawn. My daughter Leah was a healthy 20-year-old college student who needed a pretty extensive knee surgery in 2017. She came home from Purdue and had the surgery on May 12, 2017 so she could be ready to get back for fall semester. On June 5, 2017, she had a…
We Lost Our Son at the Age of 20: Adam’s Story
As told by his mother, Jenifer. On Dec. 3, 2020, I took my 18-year-old son, Adam, to the ER. He had severe back and leg pain, and his leg was swollen and purple. I thought that it was a pinched nerve or maybe a kidney infection. Doctors discovered a massive clot in his left…
Not Only Have I Lost Central Vision In My Left Eye, I’ve Also Lost My Son: Debbie’s Story
My first blood clot happened in 2004. I was working as a phlebotomist in a blood bank when my calf felt tight and painful to walk on. I saw my doctor the same day and was sent for a Doppler of my lower left leg. It showed a blood clot, or deep vein thrombosis (DVT).…
My Sister Passed from a PE at 39 Weeks Pregnant: Rachel and Lauren’s Story
I’m sharing my sister Lauren’s story. She passed away from a pulmonary embolism at 39 weeks pregnant in October of 2021. She was days from her due date when she began to feel short of breath. She talked to her doctor and they were not concerned because she had no family history and no risk…
It Was Impossible to Know That a Deadly Clot was Developing: Jeff and Abigail’s Story
My husband Jeff passed away suddenly from deep vein thrombosis (DVT) that developed into a pulmonary embolism (PE) 19 days following ankle surgery to repair a fracture. There were no warning signs. He was an active and healthy 52-year-old with no history of any clotting disorders. His leg was wrapped from the foot to…
My Husband Passed Away at 47: Katie’s Story
My name is Katie, and I am Jordan’s widow. He and I were married for 12 years. Jordan died unexpectedly of a massive pulmonary embolism (PE) on July 8, 2020. He survived his first unprovoked deep vein thrombosis (DVT) to PE in October 2019. He ignored symptoms of right thigh pain, swelling, redness, and warmth.…
Awareness Saves Lives: Patrick & Meredith’s Story
In 2020, my daughter, Meredith (Mer for short), complained that she was having difficulty breathing. My wife and I dismissed it as perhaps a sinus condition or allergies. The next morning, Mer called us from school telling us she had passed out. She was rushed to the hospital where the physicians asked if she was…
It Could Have Been Prevented: Andrea’s Story
On November 7, 2020, I received a phone call from my stepson Conner. I could tell by the fear in his voice that something was terribly wrong. I remember his exact words, “Dad is conscious, but you need to meet us at the hospital now! Dad is in an ambulance they’re taking him to the…