In Memory of Justin as Told by his Mother Tina
Justin Sexton’s Blood Clot Story as Told by his Mother Tina Sexton A little about Justin. He was a loving, kind, helpful, amazing boy. He always loved and wanted to help everyone. He had a heart of gold. He had a great sense of humor, and he loved his family and friends so much. He…
Blood Clots Changed Everything: Asher’s Story
Among those presenting at the March 14 awareness month briefing were Jennifer and James DeBouver, recent Army veterans who shared the heart wrenching story of their infant son. Both parents now work for the Department of Labor. When Jennifer was 26 weeks pregnant with Asher James, doctors discovered that he had a heart condition called …
The Day Life Changed Forever: Ashleigh’s Story, As Told By Her Mother
Ashleigh’s Blood Clot Story, as told by her mother: The day life changed forever. I am a hardworking wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend. I have raised three amazing children and been married for just over 25 years. My family is very unique as we live close to each other and most of us work…
Cancer Patients are at Risk for Blood Clots: Dave’s Story
This is my Dad’s story. His name was David Smith. My Dad died of a pulmonary embolism (lung clot) on October 24, 2012. He was only 63 years old. His sudden death has devastated our family and left us wishing we had been aware of the signs of pulmonary embolism (PE) and able to…
My Daughter Died From The Pill at 16: Theresa’s Story, As Told By Her Mother
Note: This is Theresa’s story, as told by her mother Laura Femia Buccellato: My story……….My 16 year old daughter Theresa came to me and told me she had sexual intercourse for the first time. I was not happy about it, but I was happy she came to me about it. She asked me about going…
The Doctor Didn’t Listen: Jason’s Story, As Told by His Mother
Note: This is Jason’s story as told by his mother, Becky Hilty This story is about my son Jason Michael Hilty, born November 9, 1988. Jason died of a DVT on September 20, 2008. He was 19 and a second year student at Auburn University in Alabama. Jason had been complaining of pain in his…
In Memory of Jamie Lee Gravley: His Blood Clot Story
My name is Melanie Gravley, and I am 23. This story is about my husband, Jamie Lee, who lost his life due to a pulmonary embolism (PE) in June 2012 at age 22. We were together since June 20, 2007, married on Sept 3, 2010, and welcomed a son on May 20, 2011. We…
Her Death Taught Us Lessons: Deborah’s Story As Told By Her Twin Sister, Mary
Mary Bare wrote this story about the death of her twin sister Deborah from a pulmonary embolism. She is so motivated to spread awareness of signs and symptoms of DVT and PE and is using social media to do so via a Facebook page called Forever Deborah. My name is Mary Bare. My story is personal,…
My Son Died at 14: Kyle’s Story, as Told by His Mother
I am the mother of Kyle Baca, who at age 14 was the victim of a “massive bilateral pulmonary embolism” (PE) on the morning of October 30, 2010. I knew Kyle was sick, but I thought it was an upper respiratory infection at the time. He played football that season for his high school freshman team,…
A Fatal PE After Knee Surgery: Eric’s Story, as Told by Sophie
My late boyfriend, Eric Vignando, passed away at 49 years old on November 29, 2010. Eric had knee problems after ski accidents, and he finally went in for a partial knee replacement after having pain for 20 years. His surgery was on Nov 12, 2010. His surgery went well, his doctor was pleased, and Eric…