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Our 8-Year-Old Died of a Blood Clot: Garrett’s Story, as Told by his Mother

My son Garrett  Elder had a stomach virus in April 2008, and a strep throat two days later that was treated with a full course of antibiotics.  He developed pneumonia on day 3 and complained of leg pain during the night.  His breathing became heavy and his leg became swollen and hard. We took him to…

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He Shouldn’t Have Died: Nick’s Story as Told by his Parents

Nick Sanders was one of those individuals that you could not forget. It wasn’t just that he was 6 feet 6 inches tall, had red hair and played football. He was also a fun loving son, brother, grandson as well as a loyal friend and colleague. On his 25th birthday, Nick was embarking on his…

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Died of a PE at 23: Anna’s Story

Anna Frutiger embodied brains, beauty, compassion, and athleticism, and seemed the picture of health while she was living her dream of becoming a dentist. No one expected that a blood clot would end her life, and it seemed beyond belief that Anna died on May 20, 2010 from a pulmonary embolism (PE) due to an…

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Factor V Leiden and Birth Control: Jessica’s Story

Today was a cool, brisk November day, and I decided to go visit Jessies’ Garden. I climbed from my car and walked the short distance to the spot where our journey ended two and a half years ago. We brought her here to her final resting-place while the bagpipes she loved played Amazing Grace. I…

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After My Sister’s Death, Our Fears Now Shift to Our Children: Kimberly Story

Kimberly Hennings of Colorado shares her and her sister’s story of pulmonary embolism.  Kim developed multiple PE’s post-surgery in November 2007.  She later found out she carries prothrombin G20210A genetic thrombophilia, as do all of her family members except her mother.  Tragically, her sister Angela died of a PE at age 40 in July 2008. …

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